College Uniform

Buying and Selling Secondhand Uniforms on Sustainable Schools Shop Site
Parents and families wanting to buy and/or sell secondhand uniforms are reminded of the service offered by the Sustainable Schools Shop This will take all the angst and time out of the process of buying and selling secondhand school supplies in preparation for the 2022 school year.
Student Dress Code and Uniform Requirements
Following discussion with students we have made the decision to remove the arbitrary dates that mark when summer or winter uniform can be worn. Students may choose to wear either the winter or summer uniform any day dependent upon the weather. Students are reminded that they are not permitted to wear a combination of uniforms (eg: stockings with the summer dress) nor does this relate to the wearing of the PE Uniform which is permitted only when students have a scheduled PE class.
Shoes: Black lace up school shoes.
Socks and stockings: all students are required to wear the new School socks which are available from Buxwear.
Summer Uniform: White Socks (No other White socks are to be worn).
Winter Uniform: Navy Blue Socks or Stockings (No other Blue socks are to be worn).
Blazers are to be worn to and from school as the outer garment (optional on days of temperatures of 30 degrees plus).
Summer uniform:
-Striped Dress (bottom of knee length)
-Monogrammed Jumper (Navy/VCE Blue)
-White Killester socks (Long or Short option)
-Black Leather Lace-up School shoes
-Navy Hair Ribbons/ Headbands
-Navy Blazer
Winter uniform:
-Pleated Winter Skirt (bottom of knee length)
-Killester Long Pants (optional)
-Monogrammed Jumper (Navy/ VCE Blue)
-Killester Blouse
-Black Leather Lace-up School shoes
-Navy Blue Killester Long Socks or Navy Opaque Tights
-Navy Blazer
-College Rain Jacket (outerwear only and not to be worn indoors)
-College Scarf with Crest
Pants: the College pants can be purchased at the uniform shop, they are an alternative to the winter skirt. You do not need to have both, students may choose to wear the pants or the winter skirt with the winter uniform.
PE Uniform: Students are permitted to come to and from school in their PE uniform on the days where they have timetabled PE lessons. The school jumper, blazer and any non Killester sports attire are not to be worn with the Killester PE uniform.
-Killester Short Sleeve Polo Top
-Sports shoes
-White sports socks
-Killester Rugby Top
-Navy Killester Trackpants
-Navy Killester Shorts
-Navy Killester Cap
-Killester Navy Softshell Jacket (optional)
-Killester Long Sleeve Polo (optional) *New item*
School Bag: Students must use a Killester School Bag. There are two options:
-Killester Backpack
-Killester Wheely Bag *New item*
-Two earrings in each ear are allowed. Any other piercings are not permitted. Plastic spacers and band aids are not an acceptable alternative.
-A single discrete ring is allowed to be worn per hand (no more than 2 discrete rings in total).
-A discrete necklace which is not visible is allowed.
-A plastic/clear piercing must be worn if the student has a nose piercing.
Students will be asked to remove earrings, rings and necklaces during some practical classes where they are an Occupational Health and Safety issue. Any inappropriate item of Jewellery will be confiscated and returned by the YLL at the end of the day. Any subsequent offence, the item will be confiscated for a longer period of time.
Make-up & Nail Polish:
-Make up and eyelash extensions/false eyelashes are not to be worn.
-Nail polish, acrylic nails (including but not limited to SNS, Shellac etc) are not permitted.
-Blazers are compulsory for all year levels (optional on forecast temperatures of 30 degrees plus)
-T-shirts/under garments are not to be visible under uniform
-No tights/pantihose to be worn with Summer Uniform
-Hair should be tied back for PE/ Food Tech/ Science/ Art & Textiles classes to ensure safety
-Students are NOT to carry their school bags to classes with them. They should remain in their lockers throughout the day.