From the Principal

Our gospel this week comes from Luke 12: 32-48 and presents us with a question about the offer from Jesus.
“The Lord knocks at your door - will you come?”
What is the greatest joy and treasure we could possibly possess? The Lord Jesus promises that those who seek God and his kingdom will not be disappointed (Luke 12:32, Matthew 6:33). The Lord Jesus offers us the greatest treasure possible – but we must first seek it and make it our true joy and possession above all else. We naturally want to have and keep whatever we think will bring us happiness, peace, and security. Jesus offers a priceless treasure and source of abundant joy and security that is worth selling all else for. Jesus warns that money and possessions will not last and can be taken away at any moment by a thief or by death itself. The message is trust God and have faith.
In our material world where consumerism and commercialism abound, this challenge to “Sell your possessions, and give alms;” asks us to reflect on what is truly valuable in this world compared to the next. If we value helping others and seeing the goodness in all people, then we know that what we own can never provide us with the core happiness and peace that comes from treating others how we would like to be treated. The Word in this parable says that should we set God over and above all our worldly possessions our reward will come in Heaven. To many of us this world would become more paradise-like if we valued human connection and love over all material wealth.
At Killester College this week we have seen a marked improvement in uniform which has indicated that our students do value the pride they have in their College. Thank you to parents and carers for supporting us in our endeavor to raise the standard of how we present who we are as an entire community. Uniform is but one indicator of this. The Year 7’s are also showing the importance of valuing our animal friends fundraising as part of their Bondi Vet Wonder Project, making and selling pet treats at recess and lunch today. We have also celebrated great success today with our Aerobics teams both returning as medal winners.
Sally Buick