The Green Team

Alex Baxter & Elise Hawkins
Sustainability Team
Little Free Library
We have some exciting news... Thanks to the many community members who voted for our project idea in the Local Leader Grants, we have received enough votes to place us in the Top 3 ideas in our region! The winner will be announced at the Langham Hotel in Melbourne on the 12th of October. We are one step closer to our Little Free Community Library becoming a reality! Thank you all for your ongoing support!
Have a look at the following link to check out our entry:
2nd Star in 'Resource Smart Schools'
We are delighted to announce that we have achieved our 'energy star' in the 'Resource Smart Schools' program. We made the exciting announcement at assembly last week. If you missed it, check out the video.
We achieved this star by taking measures to reduce the energy use at our school by using low energy light bulbs, turning off the lights when we are not in the classrooms and using energy saving appliances in the staff room, canteen and kitchen.
The 3rd star we are now working towards is the 'waste star'. If you have any ideas about how to reduce waste at our school and if you would like to be involved in making these ideas a reality, please email .
We are always looking for extra ideas and helpers!