Umbrella & Fan Festival

Friday 17th November 3.30pm
10 Weeks To Go!
Excitement is building for this year’s major fundraising event! Our Umbrella and Fan Festival is set to be our biggest Fete/Festival yet.
Those who attended our fete in 2015 will remember it was a great night of free entertainment, speciality stalls, great food and fun amusement rides.
This year there will be more stalls, more rides, more performances and loads of things to keep the whole family entertained throughout the evening.
There has been lots of work happening behind the scenes to ensure we all have a fabulous night and are able to celebrate everything that is great about our school and the community of Dingley.
Ride Bands
Ride bands are now on sale for the amazing early bird price of just $25 each. This is exceptional value, as there will be more rides this year than last time! Please note that the early bird price will close on 3rd November. Ride bands can then be purchased at the event for $35 each.
Get your early bird ride bands here.
A special thank you as always to our major ride sponsor Playcity Jumping Castles who are providing many of our rides again this year. Without the support of Ben and the team at Playcity, we would not be able to provide the impressive variety of amusements rides for such a fantastic low price.
Raffle Tickets
Raffle tickets have come home this week and we are asking each family to sell one booklet of twenty $2 tickets each. This raffle is a significant contribution to our fundraising for this event. We encourage you to sell your tickets as widely as possible. The tickets have been designed as an invitation to our festival too, so please encourage those who buy raffle tickets to come along on the night as well!
Families who return their sold ticket booklets and money by the end of Term 3 will go into the draw for 2 free ride bands!! If you would like to sell more booklets, please come and see us in the office.
Baskets are now in each unit to collect donations for our themed hampers. You can donate an item related to your theme or simply make a $20 donation so that we can purchase something on your behalf. It would be wonderful to have all donations by the end of the term so that hampers can be wrapped and displayed early next term. Class themes and donation suggestions are listed below. A big thank you to the families who have already brought in their donations!
Prep R & B- Baby
Nappies, Baby Toys, Baby Clothes, Bath Products, Towels and Face Washers, Baby Bottles, etc.
Prep C & 1S- Garden
Gardening Tools, Gloves, Gardening Books, Pots, Seeds, Garden Ornaments, etc.
2K & 1M- Kitchen
Kitchen Utensils, Tea Towels, Olive Oils, Preserves, Spices (please ensure use by dates are 2018 or beyond) Platters and Salad Bowls, etc.
1H & 1B- Bathroom
Soaps and bath bombs, Shampoo and Conditioner, Body Lotions, Towels and Face Washers, Candles, etc.
2N & 2S- Car
Polishing Cloth, Scrub Brush for Tires, Leather Cleaner, Bucket, Tyre Cleaner, Car Wax, Micro Fibre Washing Mitt, Squeegee, Car Sponge, Chamois Cloth, Radiator Cooling Liquid, Tyre Gauge, Fuel Injection Treatment, Car Oils, etc.
2F & 2D- Sports
Golf Balls and Tees, Tennis Balls, Basket Balls, Football Scarves, Sports Towel, etc.
3/4 D & 3/4 R- Wine
Bottles of Wine (Parents are asked to deliver bottles to the office)
3/4 H & 3/4 N- Picnic
Picnic Rug, Large Basket, Corkscrew or Bottle Opener, Small Cutting Board, Cups and Plates, Napkins, Serving Utensils, Condiments, Salt and Pepper, Ice Pack, etc.
3/4S & 3/4T- Art and Craft
Paints, Paper, Craft Kits, Smock, Paint Brushes, Colouring Books, Paddle Pop Sticks, Stickers, Pencils, Highlighters, Play Doh, etc.
5/6B & 5/6M- Beauty
Make Up, Moisturiser, Nail Polish, Soaps and Body Lotions, Towel and Face Washer, Shower Cap, Eye Lash Curler, Nail Files and Scissors, Exfoliating Gloves, Deodorant, Toilet Bag, etc.
5/6S & 5/6C- Christmas
Decorations, Festive Napkins, Christmas Cards, etc.
5/6W & 5/6H- Beach
Beach Towels, Sunscreen, Aloe Vera Cream, Beach Toys-Bucket and Spade, Ball, Esky, Straw Sun Hat, Thongs, Insect Repellent, Portable Radio, etc.
Class Stalls
Thank you to class stall representatives for sending out our communication in regards to class stalls. Parents and carers are asked to donate an hour of their time at the festival to help man their class stall- ‘Many hands make light work!!’ Stall rosters will go out early next term. Please consider getting involved. Uncles, Aunts, Grandparents and friends are all welcome to help out. If you are able to help out in other ways before the day, please get in touch with your class rep or teacher.
Outside Stall Holders and Festival Sponsorship
We are still looking for outside stall holders to be involved at this year’s festival. In 2015 we had over 2000 people through our gates on fete day. Outside stall holders add variety and a great shopping experience. If you or someone you know would like to hold a stall at this years festival please use the contact details below.
Sponsorship is a great way to promote your business and support our school. We have many different sponsorship packages or we can tailor one to suit your business. Please get in touch or pass these details on to someone you think might like to get involved.
Looking forward to a fantastic festival.
Melanie White-
Phone 0438 761 917
Alba Galban- .
Phone 0409 514 568