Visual Arts

Denise Stach & Kerry Eeckman
Visual Arts Teachers
Together we read the story 'Why I Love Australia' by Aboriginal writer Bronwyn Bancroft. We began experimenting with the Primary Colours of red, blue and yellow, to mix the Secondary Colours of orange, purple and green. We remained open to learning the Aboriginal style of dot painting and took this technique further by using Magiclay to create dots we could feel when we shut our eyes.
Prep B
Prep C
Prep R
Could you please save the following items for the Art Room:
1. Plastic round or rectangular take-away containers (washed)
2. Any large pieces of crushed velvet to use in the background of photos of the art work
3. 1 litre cardboard milk cartons (washed)
4. Pompoms
Thank you to those parents who have dropped in useful items for the art room, great recycling!!!