HOM Awards

Habits of Mind Prep - Year 2
Emily Prep B, Ryiin prep C, Enya Prep R, Liam 1B, Liam 1H, Nevon 1M, Twisha 1S, Ethan 2D, Millah 2F, Cayleigh 2K, Venara 2N & Jackson 2S
Habits of Mind Year 3 - 6
David 34D, Judd 34H, Luca 34N, Caitlin 34P, Hana 34S, Jay-Keane 34T, Damian 56B, Ally 56H, Duy 56M, Sasha 56R, Daniel 56S & Lachie 56W
Physical Education - Daniel, Mason & David, Performing Arts 34N, Coding 34H, Japanese 1H, Science 34S
Rubiks Club Awards
Gemma 2F
Kindness Card Award
Abigail Prep R
Habits of Mind Prep - Year 2
Neeve Prep B, Adam Prep C, Taylan Prep R, Paxton 1B, Alex 1H, Jade 1M, Aditya 1S, Katie 2D, Scout 2F & Jo-Lynn 2S
Habits of Mind Year 3 - 6
Natasha 34D, Olivia 34H, Maddie 34N, Victoria 34P, Ashton 34S, Seyara 34T, Penny 56B, Ryan 56H, Roy 56M, Tahlia 56R, Keira 56S & Emily 56W
Physical Education 56R, Performing Arts Prep C, Visual Arts 1M, Coding Logan 56R, Science 56M & SA Kitchen 34T
Rubiks Club Awards
Madison Prep R
Kindness Card Award
Paytyn Prep C