Principal's Report

Rosemary Cosentino
A message from the Principal
The school is abuzz with the anticipation of Beauty and the Beast. The students have been practising all term, and the main characters for many months in preparation for next week’s performances. On Thursday and Friday, we had our full dress rehearsals and despite some technical issues and cueing moments, all went very well. This year's performance is truly at another level. I also noted that some students did not have soft black shoes; please ensure that you provide these as it all adds to the professionalism. I look forward to sharing proud moments with you as you watch and enjoy your child/ren on stage.
As we approach the end of term, I would like to give you an update on our enrolment figures for 2018. Next year we will have four (4) prep classes and 25 grades; this is one more class than this year. Our enrolment figure for 2018 is antinicpated at 616 students. To accommodate the extra class the Department is providing a modular five building (double classroom). After consulting with the Department and following their advice, the best location for this new classroom is to site it where the Year 4, 5 & 6-play equipment currently sits. With the removal of play equipment, new modern equipment for the senior students is planned, so that students do not miss out. I see this as an opportunity to modernize the play equipment given that the existing equipment is 40 years old. I will keep you up to date as to when we can expect the arrival of the new building.
Mr Aaron Cox is on long service leave and is returning at the beginning of Term 4. We wish him and his wife Kayoko, a wonderful trip and look forward to hearing about their travels.
We would like to thank Mrs Maddie Rowels (5/6R) for all her work at Kingswood. Maddie is taking parental leave absence as of the beginning of Term 4. We have employed Ms Sarah Jones-Hill to take 5/6R class.