From the Principal

The college will continue to do the ‘finishing touches’, to our capital works project with the landscaping phase beginning in the holidays. This will include recreational and outdoor learning areas at the back of the college including a sensory garden and a barbecue area.

Open Day / Night

We are again delighted to be holding our Open Days and Night early next term. On May 1st we have our Open Day tours and in the evening our Open Night presentation and tours of the displays our teachers and students have set up. The day before we will hold our Languages Open Day where prospective parents will see a range of language classes running and speak to our Languages teachers.

College Council

Congratulations to Sue Gordon and Julie Staunton who have been appointed co-opted members of council and who will join council. Congratulations also to Ruth Gordon who has been re-elected as President and Jonathan Lock who has been re-elected as Treasurer.


Ruth Gordon (President)

Jonathan Lock (Treasurer)

Ashleigh Harris (student)

Sean Kelly (student)

Katie Karanika

Kristen Skinner

Julie Staunton

Sue Gordon

Nicole Harris

Nick Hamer-Smith

Gabrielle Darvell

Aaron Petersen

Attendance Requirements from the Department of Education & Training

If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify the school as soon as possible on the day of absence, by calling the student absence line on 9571 4178, calling the college on 9571 7838 or emailing

Notifying the school of your child’s absence either prior to, or on the day that they will be away, helps ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and will fulfil your legal responsibility.


It is a requirement that all Victorian government schools contact parents/carers as soon as practicable on the same day of an unexplained student absence. If your child is absent on a particular day and you have not contacted the school to explain why, the absence will be marked as unexplained.


Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education, they learn new things every day – missing school puts them behind.


The Glen Eira College Attendance Policy which outlines the school’s processes and procedures for monitoring, recording and following-up of student absences is available on the college website:         

Seeking Work Experience Positions

Do you have a business or work for a company that could offer a work experience position for our Year 10 students? We would like to broaden our Employer base. Our work experience runs between 16th & 20th September 2019, or any of the school holidays. Please contact Carol McCaskie on 9571 7838 or email


The ANZAC Day Commemorations at Glen Eira College will be held in the first week of term 2. Families will be most welcome. We will provide further information closer to the time. You will read a report in the next newsletter.  Thank you to John Tserkezidis and Aaron Petersen for coordinating the assembly.


Rehearsals are well underway for this year’s production, The Wizard of Oz.  Over 100 students are involved on stage and back stage / off stage, ensuring there is a role for everyone who wants to take part.  Make sure you save the dates – performances are on the 30th July, 31st July and 1st August.


Nick Hamer-Smith

Acting Principal