College News

Prayers Please......

We keep in our prayers the family of Mishell Majazi on the passing of her grandmother.

We pray for any families in our community who have lost loved ones or are suffering illnesses.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Clothing Pool

We have a number of families in need of replacement uniforms & we also provide emergency clothing to students who have a uniform mishap whilst at school.


The College has a Clothing Pool to meets these needs & we would appreciate the donation of any unwanted or outgrown uniforms in good, clean condition which we can pass onto those students. 


If you have any uniform items which can be donated to the College, they would be gratefully appreciated. Would you kindly drop them into the office.


Thanking you

Uniform Shop News

White Sports Socks have just arrived!  Come in and purchase them as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.


Mon-Wed - 8am to 12pm

Phone 69692432

Marian Feast Day

Canteen News

A new convenient way to order school lunches  - Flexischools



Lockers are still available for $20.00.  Please remember to put your name and year when handing in envelopes.

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