Year 7 Community Day

Year 7 2019 have had a fantastic start to the year!  Our motto for this year is “We Are Gifted”, along with our motto we are focusing on being kind to each other in all our interactions. Year 7 have taken this on with enthusiasm.


Parent information evening


Our first parent information evening was held on Tuesday where the Year 7 Teaching Staff were introduced to parents. Some of the points that were discussed during the evening included:

Computer use

It is the student’s responsibility to take care of their computers. At home, what they research needs to be monitored by parents/guardians. At school, we monitor the student’s searches and teachers monitor their classroom use.

Car Park

 Avoid queuing on the road during pick up times as it is a no stopping zone-which means you may get a fine. Arriving around 3:30 makes it a lot smoother.



 Please contact the office to explain any absences.

Contact details: Please make sure parent/guardian contact details are up to date.

Phone Use: No phones are to be used during class (unless the teacher approves it) and no inappropriate use during school time- if you need to contact your child please go through the front office.


Community Day

Year 7 also had their Community Day- “We Are Gifted” on Friday 15th were the students focused on the talents and gifts they all have. The students participated in a liturgy and a variety of fun engaging activities. Community Day allowed us as a Year group to increase our connection and a fun interactive day.

Mr Moore

Year 7 Coordinator