School News & Information

Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser
DOGS - Dads of Galilee
Bunnings Port Melbourne - Help Still Needed
14th September 2019
Thank you to everyone that has signed up to help at the Bunnings Port Melbourne BBQ on Saturday the 14th September.
The BBQ will be open from 8:00am to 4:00pm and we are looking for guys to do one hour blocks throughout the day. We are aiming to have four blokes on at all times.
If you can assist please email ( me with your preferred time (EG 9am to 10am) or put your name down on the list at the school reception.
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated and all money raised goes directly back to the school.
Last week was dedicated to our fathers and we've made plenty of surprises for them: starting from collages, ending with medals, cards and super dads! Our children showed an awesome sense of humor during the activities, great communication and social skills as well as wonderful imagination!
That's why we got tired of a lot of art and craft, so we dedicated this week to cooking in all variations: burritos, sandwiches, pizza, milkshakes. It was success!
Of course we can't ignore the most enthusiastic participants: Lily, Cody, Isabella, Eliza, Jessica, Zoe, Millie, Peter, Marco, Lola, Mila, Sofia, Jensen and +20 more names, you'll get tired to read.
Just want to remind you, that 20th September is the end of the term and a short day so GOSH starts at 1.30 pm. Please don't forget to book your children in advance so we won't have a surprise of 56 people like last term.
Bookings for Holiday Program are open and waiting for you,
Galilee Parents Association (GPA) News
Father’s Day Breakfast
A huge thank you to the Year 5 parent reps, Jo & Janine, and all the parents who volunteered their time to make the breakfast such a wonderful success. With over 300 dads, grandparents and special people as well as children enjoying breakfast together it was a wonderful catch up for all!
Father’s Day Gift
We hope all our dads and special others loved their pens that the children made for them. Thank you as always to Mal Orr for her support and ideas and to the staff for helping the children prepare their gifts.
Bunnings BBQ - 14th September
This is a great opportunity for the school to raise money outside of our immediate school community but the DOGS are still looking for volunteers. It is just one hour of your time, so gather some mates and sign up to cook and sell some sausages on the 14th! See Wendy or email James at
Art Show- a favourite on the school calendar - 24 October from 5-7pm
In term 4 there will be the annual Art Show held in the school hall showcasing the work from all our students. Put this date in your diaries now.
Stay in Touch
Follow the Committee Events on Facebook at
Email ideas and questions to the committee at