Learning and Teaching

In the table in the link above, you can see Galilee's 2019 results. Our Year 3 & 5 students have achieved Well Above the State Mean. Collectively the results are an accurate record of how we are performing as a school. However, individually the results may not be an accurate indication of your child's progress. NAPLAN is only one assessment and students vary in how they display their learning. Assessments are performed regularly at Galilee and for a more accurate measure of your child's progress, refer to the Semester One Report or meet with their teacher. NAPLAN reports will be sent home tomorrow for students in Years 3 & 5.
Prep News
Currently in maths we’re discovering number bonds to 5 and 10. We’ve been playing Shake It, Dump It and Bust a Number. These activities help us visually see the combination of two coloured counters that make 5 or 10. We use Tens Frames too, to work out how many more we need to make 10 if we only have one number (e.g. 4 red counters). We say, “I have 4 red, I need 6 more to make 10”.
We’ve also been trying to locate the treasure on treasure maps or finding our way from a starting point to Home by drawing paths and recording the directions using a Key or Code (e.g. L=Left R=Right U=UP D=Down)
In STEM we have been learning about the World Around Us focusing on our “special places” like Nonna’s house, Galilee, Home, the Park, Church, etc.
We drew pictorial maps of Galilee and pictures of other special places and described their features or explained why they are special to us. Insert pics)
In Religion we have been learning that we are all made in God’s image and therefore what makes a good friend and relationship. We came up with a whole lot of ingredients which we poured into our bowls. These mixtures of qualities are guaranteed to whip up a good friend/person. E.g Kindness, Respectful, Honest, Forgiving, Polite, Caring, Listening, etc. We also drew a picture of ourselves with someone who we share a good relationship with and wrote words to describe our relationship.
In Writing we have been working on Narratives. We went through the process of identifying and changing, Characters, Settings and the Plot, to make some changes to an existing text or attempt our own.
In Reading we have been Reading Books and had a go at making comparisons using Venn Diagrams ie. Text to Self, Text to Text. These were a bit tricky but they help us organise our thinking.
We shared our favourite characters from books we read and showcased them during the Book Parade.
The Preps also held a Liturgy for Father’s Day in the Hall for the whole school. Some of us did the readings live and the rest of us had our voices recorded for the reading about The Lost Son!
On Friday we sang a song for our Fathers during the Father’s Day morning breakfast! We came to school in our footy colours to see which Dad’s had brainwashed their kids!
Premiers' Reading Challenge
The challenge ends tomorrow! Well done to the 86 students who participated and read a total of 1599 books.