Education in Faith

Galilee Friday Morning Prayer Group

The Galilee Prayer Group meets every Friday morning at 8:15am until 8:35am. All members of the Galilee school community are welcome. The objective of this Prayer Group is to pray for any needs of the school, the well-being of the students, staff and families and the parishes of Sts Peter and Paul and OLMC. You don't need any qualifications or experience to attend. If you have a confidential prayer request, forms have been distributed for you to fill in. Then please drop these into the box which is in the Administration foyer. We look forward to The Galilee Friday Morning Prayer Group growing and flourishing.

Prayer Requests

Further to the above, please find attached a prayer request form that your family is welcome to fill in, print and put in the box in the Administration area.

We wish to keep your prayers confidential and request that they remain unidentifiable. Then each week the Galilee Prayer Team will pray for you and the needs of your family. You might like to discuss with your family what you might like others to pray for you and your family.

Father's Day Liturgy

On Wednesday August 28th, the Preps led us in a celebration of  the dads at Galilee with a Father's Day Liturgy at Assembly time in the Galilee School hall. It was a beautiful and heartfelt celebration of our earthly fathers and heavenly father, God. Well done to the Prep teachers and students for preparing and delivering a beautiful Liturgy!


The CEMSIS parent survey for Religious Education will soon be done. An area for growth since the last survey was the area of Opportunity. Initiatives we have put in place include: the formation of the Galilee Prayer group on a Friday morning; Family Faith nights, preparing for and celebrating the Sacraments have continued with substantial growth. Our school masses and liturgies were also well attended by the parents and families of the Galilee community.

Another area for growth was Social Justice. An initiative put in place this year was a Pet Drive for the homeless. Families contributed generously to this. After consultation with Father Dean, we will conduct food drives for the Capuchin kitchen during Lent and Advent. For Christmas we will give parents an opportunity to contribute to a Christmas gift giving activity.  

OLMC-Sacrament of Confirmation 2019

OLMC has  uploaded a copy of their 2019 Enrolment form for the Sacrament of Confirmation onto their Parish website. It can be accessed here at in the Mass & Sacraments link.

The Pedagogy of Encounter

The Pedagogy of Encounter allows teachers to design learning that invites dialogue, deep thinking and engagement with the Catholic story. There are key questions in five areas that engage the voice of the learner in deep dialogue with the Catholic Tradition: ● What do I think and sense? ● What do others think and why? ● What does the Church teach and why? ● How am I called into deeper relationship with others and God? ● What do I think now and why?


In this newsletter let’s look at the second area-What do others think and why?

Taken from:

Seeking different views, including religious perspectives and interpretations, through dialogue and discussion. Going deeper into different world views to reveal alternative visions of, and for, the world. What is at the heart of this topic for each perspective? Are there hidden world views to uncover? What visions for life do these perspectives reveal? What connects with my experience or thinking? What challenges me? What questions do I have now? 

You might like to ask your child these questions about a topic or issue that interests or affects your family. You might like to use the scripture below as inspiration.  Matthew 6:9-13


Matthew 6:9-13 King James Version (KJV)

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.


May we be encouraged by the Lord’s Prayer this fortnight, especially as we celebrate the amazing fathers and father figures in our lives. May our Almighty Father abundantly bless you and your families!