Assessment & Reporting:
On Friday 22nd June from 3pm, all academic reports will become active and available online for parent perusal. The curriculum areas that TSPS report on mid-year include:
- Reading & Viewing
- Writing
- Speaking & Listening
- Numeracy (Number & Algebra)
- EAL (English as an additional language)
Teaching staff will also inform the parent community about how each individual student is progressing in regards to effort and behaviour.
It is very important that you read your child’s report before the following weeks parent-teacher interviews to ensure deep and robust conversations about your child’s learning.
Parent-Teacher Interviews:
TSPS will communicate to all families that as of week #9 they will need to log onto COMPASS and book in a 15min interview time slot. During this time, teachers, parents and students will take part in conversations to share and celebrate learning from the past six months as conveyed in the Semester One reports. They will reflect on goals and achievements and discuss future learning. Discussions will also centre upon skills acquired, work habits, attendance, attitude to learning as well as the social and emotional wellbeing needs of the child.
This time to meet with teachers should be devoted to student learning and attainment. In order to make the most of these important conversations, parents will be provided with Information Sheets for such enquiries such as; Compass and Seesaw access etc. Lachlan Scott (IT technical staff member) will be available for technical support for such technical queries such as Compass connectivity.
The Prep-Two interviews will be held on Tuesday June 26th from 12pm – 7pm. The Three-Six interviews will be held the following day with the exact same time slot.
The parent community will be informed of the interview procedure via COMPASS notifications, a newsletter item, hard copy letter sent home and our Facebook page.
NAPLAN Results:
I am pleased to say that the NAPLAN testing period was very successful and all of our grade three and five students did their personal best. The 2018 NAPLAN results will be provided to all schools from mid-August. Leadership in grades 3-6 will notify parents when the reports are being sent home. Individual student results are strictly confidential. If you require assistance on how to read the report, please visit the ACARA website:
Joel Riddle – Assistant Principal (Curriculum)