Principal's Message
Four Weeks In Already
As the expression goes, 'Time flies when you're having fun'. Four weeks in and so many wonderful events and learning experiences have occurred with many more to come. We have marked special milestones such as the '100 Days of Schooling' and our first ever participation at Wakakirri. The '100 Days' event was a colorful celebration by our Prep students, dressed as their favorite superheroes. How far our youngest members at TSPS have come in such a short period of time. Our Wakakirri crew (67 students from Year 3-6) performed alongside four other schools and received four awards for their efforts. Hours of rehearsals and practice after school over an eight week period resulted in a spectacular seven minute piece 'Carnevil' with incredible dance routines, lifts, acrobatics and amazing costumes, makeup and props, vividly bringing this dance story to life. A special shout out to Jen Stirk (Performing Arts), Jacinta Porter, Millie Carr, Genn Collier and Paula Hounsell for their leadership and a big thank you to all the families who supported the process and who came out in force to cheer on our students on the evening. Thank you from a very proud and grateful principal.
We have seen the running of a wonderful Athletics Carnival for the students in Years 3-6 and there have been quite a number of relevant incursions and excursions planned to support our Inquiry based learning. The Prep 'Discovery Play' based concept has been implemented in both Diamond and Ruby with excellent literacy skills (speaking and listening, reading and writing) being developed. On Wednesday we hosted a visit from 8 students and their chaperone from Costa Mesa in California. Our student leaders Scarlett Haynes, Mia Jakimoski and Jess Durbridge welcomed them and led them on a tour of the school and the visitors spent some time with our Prep students a part of their Play Based learning session. A buddy program whereby Yr 5/ 6 students visit and work with our Prep students once a fortnight has also begun with wonderful connections already being formed. As part of the National Tree Planting Day at the end of July, students planted hundreds of trees along the Federation Trail adding to the many trees planted last year in supporting the beautification along the trail just outside our school fence line. Within our school fence line, students began the creation of an Indigenous garden outside Ruby. Students continue to impress with their desire to support local community issues and I applaud the work being carried out by the Student Representative Council in the running of a "sleep out" on August 23rd. A number of students will spend an evening at school listening to speakers and reflecting upon how they can support vulnerable members of our local community. They are also running a food collection so any donations of non perishable food items will be gladly accepted and distributed Vinnies. This is a wonderful initiative led and driven by our students and a number of teaching colleagues have also indicated their commitment to the event. As I always remind students, they can make a difference every day and they do not have to wait to be adults to do so. The sense of empathy, generosity and commitment to others is to be acknowledged and is inspiring. This week 10 of our student leaders also attended a 'summit' with Joanne Ryan, MP and student leaders continue to present at School Council meetings once a term We are trying to capture as many events as we can through image and mini movies and Lachlan is to be acknowledged for this work. We are going to create a space on a website to host our mini movies as well as continuing to share of Facebook.
Last Thursday the students and staff celebrated 'Principals' Day' by spoiling Joel, Brianna and myself with wonderful acknowledgements. We were all very humbled and overwhelmed because as Principals, we are the ones who like to acknowledge, celebrate and recognise the wonderful members of our community. I love what I do. It is a joy to be part of TSPS and the greatest gift is working alongside our amazing students every day.
Communication and Feedback.
Our aim is to reach out to our community using as many ways possible to inform of events, teaching and learning support and to also gauge feedback. I do hope families have been accessing the Curriculum Newlsetters being distributed each term providing families with an overview of the learning foci for students each termCommunication is vital to maintaining an effective home school partnership which I truly value. At times we do send home hard copy notes but more often than not as is the way of the world these days we utilise on line and social media as ways to connect and engage with our community members. This newsletter also offers a translation option for those member of our community who would like to access it in their native language. I would like to thank the families that provided feedback regarding the Parent Teacher Interviews in June. Currently, 220 families within our community will have received notification to participation in an on line Parent Opinion Survey, initiated by the Education Department (across the state). The reflections that come from the feedback given by the families (randomly selected)are invaluable. Please take the time to complete this survey (10-15 minutes), if you have been selected. Support can be provided to families at school if accessibility to IT is not possible at home. The closing date is August 26.
I am pleased to share with the school community that the funds raised from our Carnival has been used to purchase thousands of dollars in reading resource through the Fountas and Pinnell and the new shelving to store all pour new resources. The library has a new feel with re arrangement and
prep enrolments
library fund raising
stephanie alexander
Ian Wren
curiruculm day
Education Week
Start typing your article in here...
First Aid
Early in May, all students from Prep - 4 participated in a FIRST AID session run by St Johns, during their specialist session. How often do we hear stories on the news of young children who knew what to do in an emergency situation and their quick recollection and action resulted in the saving of the lives of family members. Students learnt actions to take, numbers to dial and how to remain calm in the situation. At TSPS we will continue to reinforce this information. I ask that at home you have a conversation to reinforce the following:
- What is your family's address? (STATE, SUBURB, NUMBER AND STREET)
- How to use a phone?
- What is the difference between something that makes us upset and an emergency?
- What number would you dial in an emergency? (000).
We have a high percentage of students that don’t know their suburb let alone the state we live in and also a very high percentage of students from prep to grade 1 and 2 who are not confident that they could dial 000.
Correct Details
It is important that the office is kept update with current contact details such as address and phone numbers. If you have changed address or your phone numbers and emails details have changed we need to know. In case of an emergency, ( your child suffers an injury), it is vital that the admin personnel are able to reach parents and guardians immediately. Please ensure that emergency contacts such as next of kin and carers' details are also correct. A phone call to the school on 92961800 is all it will take, to ensure immediate and efficient contact.
Bike Riding
It is great to see so many students opting to ride their bikes to school everyday. Such a healthy option.
I do ask that students be reminded to ride safely, wearing helmets at all time and making sure that they walk their bikes on the footpath as parents and students exit on foot, too. They also need to walk their bikes across the school crossings too. Once they have safely cleared the pedestrian traffic, they are then able to ride their bikes.
Before School Hours
This is a timely reminder that students are not to be at school before 8.30 am. Students are not supervised any time earlier than this, as staff are not on duty as they prepare for the day's learning. At times teachers at not at school before 8 am. The mornings can be bitterly cold and inclement and students do not have access to learning spaces until 8.30 am. On Wednesday, an evacuation situation occurred just after 8 am when steam vapor from a heater in a community learning space set off the fire alarm. This resulted in the fire brigade responding to a emergency alert that self activated from the school's fire panel. The few teachers who were here at the time had no way of knowing which students were at school, making the evacuation somewhat precarious. We are fortunate to have a great partnership with the YMCA which offers an excellent out of school hour program and facilitators can be contacted on 03 9296 1900.Please do NOT drop children off at school before 8.30 am. At this time teachers are actively scheduled for yard duty.
Parent Teacher Interviews
In May our Year 3 and 5 students sat the NAPLAN assessments and we should be receiving results in September. NAPLAN is one assessment that our teachers use to gauge how each student is progressing in their learning. Currently, students are completing Common assessment tasks and other assessments that, along with on going, daily formative assessment, will guide our teachers as they prepare for Semester One reports. We do have continuous reporting and updates which parents are able to view via Compass regularly throughout the year. On June 26 and 27 we will hold Parent Teacher Interviews. Your children work very hard at school and I would expect that every family would attend this event as it is a great opportunity for teachers, students and parent to share and celebrate student learning and set goals for future learning. So that all parents/carers are able to take up this opportunity, a 15 minute interview allocation with one teacher (ONLY) from the child's community have been set aside. Bookings must be made. Information regarding how to book an appointment via Compass will be from Tuesday.I encourage all families to book in a time slot.
Ed Connect
I am so pleased to announce that our school has signed up with EdConnect. This organisation connects volunteers who want to make a difference with young people in schools who need extra help and guidance. It brings older generations together with young students. The meeting of wisdom and youth. These volunteers work with students and their teachers to support the improvement of literacy and numeracy standards as well as engaging in wonderful life and social skills. These volunteers are fully screened with Working with Children's Checks and inducted into the school program. They can support in so many ways- reading, classroom support, numeracy, one-to-one mentoring, through to gardening, library, sports and breakfast club activities. I look forward to these wonderful interactions.
School Pride
How great do our Year 6 students look in their new Graduation jackets. Such excitement when the shipment finally arrived and the jackets were delivered. I love seeing our Year six students wearing these jackets with such pride.
Important Dates
June 11 Queens Birthday Public Holiday
June 14 Winter Gala Day (Yr 5/6)
June 18-22 Book Fair
June 26 P-2 Parent Teacher Interviews
June 27 3-6 Parent Teacher Interviews (please note: Limited Opportunities for some Specialist Interviews too on both days)
June 29 Term ends (Early dismissal) Please note: 2.00 pm Dismissal
July 16 Term 3 begins.
Yours in Education
Linda Danese