During term two students have explored robotics looking at how robotics is changing their world every day. This has given them the opportunity to program using simple code which students really enjoyed. Some groups have improved their skills with technology by taken photos using various applications such as iMovie and Seesaw to share their photographs with the school community. The older students have attended the Lego Mindstorm competition introduction which has given them the opportunity to meet other local teams, discuss the competition expectations while developing their skills at the same time. We are very excited to see this evolve as the competition hots up in the months to come. We certainly wish them all the best in their endeavor.
Additional we have been looking at graphic design as we have explored media literacy in the form of advertising. This has allowed student to discuss the techniques and principals associated with advertising. Students have worked very hard to create there on digital logo looking at the different artistic principals that are used in graphic design. Students are currently making a short commercial or poster which we will share with families as they are competed. It’s going to be a busy year with the robotics team full steam ahead, robotics incursion coming in term three and Sunshine film festival planning getting underway term three looks like a busy one.