
Term 2 has been all about Chemistry and the students have been studying the materials that objects are made of. The preps have enjoyed learning about different materials this term. They investigated which materials are waterproof, filmed their predictions and observations and have almost memorised the words to ‘the materials song.’


The grade 1/2’s have continued their study of the properties of materials. They compared cooked and uncooked pasta and built spaghetti marshmallow towers. The students have also carried out many experiments such as investigating which brand of jelly snakes is the most elastic. They have learnt to set up a fair test and record their results.

The grade 3/4’s set up an experiment to test which material will decompose in soil, by gathering samples of plastic bags, paper bags and fabric bags. They ensured that they set up a fair test and were able to identify the variables. The 3/4’s will continue exploring different aspects of materials through hands-on investigations.

The grade 5/6’s have been focusing on physical and chemical changes. They set up an experiment to test the affect that different liquids have on steel wool and discovered that vinegar causes rusting. They also investigated how much salt can be dissolved in different amounts of water. The students have further developed their scientific inquiry skills this term.

The Green Team met with Daniel from the Wyndham council to share their ideas on how to develop an outdoor space along federation trail. They came up with fantastic suggestions and drew labelled diagrams for the council to consider. The Green Team are also selling vegetables grown in the school gardens at whole school assemblies, please bring a gold coin to fill up a bag and support the students’ work.

Any students interested in taking care of the pet guinea pigs or spiny leaf insects over the winter school holidays please see Vanessa.