Catholic Early Learning Centre (CELC)

The CELC  children are enjoying the sunny weather spending time outside to explore and investigate. With the arrival of Spring next week, please remember to pack a sun safe hat for your child each day!


Science Investigations

The CELC children participate in a variety of scientific explorations throughout each day. Last week, Mrs Verma supported the children’s investigations to create ‘walking water’ with coloured water. The children were curious to observe the process, firstly making the coloured water and then adding a paper towel which was used to support the transport of the water across each container. The children developed their own hypothesis as to how the water moved along the paper.


Ms Braithwaite extended the children’s interest on bridges, supporting their inquiries to help to design a bridge using paddle pop sticks. Firstly the children investigated and researched the various different types of bridges, exploring their shape, size and uses. Following this, the children designed a bridge and created their own. Problem solving skills were on display as the children used trial and error to build the bridge. They discovered that supports were needed so that it wouldn’t fall down! This was a great experience to support the children’s persistence and collaboration in a small group experience.


To extend on the children’s interest in volcanoes, Ms Byrnes built a volcano with the children. To create ‘lava’ for the volcano, a small experiment was conducted using vinegar and bicarb soda to ‘create the eruption.

CELC Garden Club!

We have observed that the plants around our sandpit are in need of some attention with many gaps in the garden due to the sandy soil. To extend this observation Mrs McKay led small group discussions and gardening experiences with the children to plant more ‘desert’ style plants that will grow in sandy soil. This experience prompted discussions about different types of plants and the conditions required for them to grow.


The children in the Navy Room have continued to observe the growth of the vegetables in their room, making sure to water them daily. Their discussions have continued to evolve which have included discussions about how plants grow in the snow (this followed Jacinta’s recent visit to the snow which she shared with her peers.)

Outdoor Explorations

In the outdoor environment, the children use their gross motor skills to explore. This includes negotiating the height of climbing frames which requires them to practise coordinating their climbing movements, developing their sense of balance and coordination whilst strengthening their core muscles. Exploring and developing their fundamental movement skills supports the development of children’s core muscles. These explorations also support the children’s confidence in physical activities as they learn how to independently participate in these activities.