
Sacramental Program

Expressions of Interest - Reconciliation

The preparation for Reconciliation will start at the beginning of September.  If you would like to enrol your child for the sacrament of Reconciliation please fill out the form here and return to the school.


Preparation sessions: Wednesday, September 2, September 9, and September 16 

Receive the Sacrament:  Wednesday, September 23rd


All preparation sessions will be held in the Hub at St Luke's Catholic College between 6 pm and 7 pm each Wednesday night.


With the current COVID situation, if changes need to be made we will advise you.

St Luke's Faith Community Youth Group

The Youth Group of St Luke’s Catholic Faith Community is known as ‘Saints in Training.’

It meets every fortnight on a Friday night.

During COVID time, meetings are via Zoom.

The next gathering will be on Friday 11 September at 7pm

Parents of high-school-aged students wishing your child to be involved, please email saintlukesyg@gmail.com and we will arrange for them to take part.

An Update from the School of Foundations

Early Stage One:

As the Early Stage One students continue to learn all about “What is Church?” They have been exploring the reasons why we gather and viewing videos about Baptisms, Weddings and they even had a guest speaker from Stage 2 who shared her special occasion of gathering at Church to celebrate her First Holy Communion.

Deacon Tony was also invited to come to visit with both the Kangas and the Roos to share with them all the special vessels that he uses when he ‘gathers’ with others at church to celebrate mass with all the Marsden Park Faith Community every Sunday. This experiential learning connected deeply with all that the students had been learning about in Religion and gave them an opportunity to ask Deacon Tony lots of different questions that they had been thinking about.

Stage One

In Stage One we also had a visit from Deacon Tony and his wife Mrs Annette Hoban who came to share with us some of the roles that they have in building a strong Faith Community. This connects with our driving question “Why do we belong to communities?” and that there are many different and important roles in the Church. The students were fascinated by the wonderful presentation shared with them by both Deacon Tony and Mrs Hoban and thoroughly enjoyed viewing the video that Deacon Tony had made for them to teach them about the Sacrament of Baptism. Once again the students shared the questions they had been thinking about to better unpack and solve the driving question.

Students have also been very busy learning about how Jesus showed guidance and hope through the Scripture passage of ‘Jesus is Baptised’ which is one of our school pillars, W2 - Display Hope for the future. The students were given the choice of working by themselves, with a partner or in a small group to share what they had learnt. There were many different ways that the students chose to retell the Bible story and share the important information about God’s message and how they could do that in their own life.

Stage Two

Stage 2 has been exploring the following driving question in Religion ‘Why are people hungry in a world full of plenty?’ 


As part of our inquiry question, we have looked at occasions where we share a meal with our family and friends. This week, Stage 2 Gringotts have chosen a religious festival to research and investigate how this festival is celebrated by sharing a meal. As part of their research, students have had to summarise information and use this to create an informative speech to present to their class. Their work in religion has been integrated into our learning in geography and literacy, incorporating aspects of reading, writing and speaking and listening.