Principal's Message

St Luke's... "nurturing faith filled, curious children to become creative contributors and innovative problem solvers for a changing world."

There are many points of difference about the learning at St Luke's. One of those is that we offer Life Design. Life Design is a course which commences in Year 7. Life Coaches from Innerzone work with teachers so that students can unlock their potential by answering three important questions.



Pursuit of those questions means that students see themselves as the subject and engage with activities such as:

  • unpacking their 'SIM' - Strengths, Interests and Motivators.
  • discovering their talents through purposeful passion projects with the intention of making life better for others.
  • understanding the 6Es of leadership.
  • evaluating 'flow theory' to better understand when one can be at their best and flourish.
  • clarifying that "Passion + Impact = Purpose"

Effectively, Life Design is an inside out approach to more deeply knowing ME.


Such an approach allows for students at the end of year 8 to draft their very first Life Purpose Statement. No doubt, this will change over time, as indeed it should. However, by encountering and engaging with a journey over Years 7 & 8, students can, and do, articulate their purpose. Here are three examples produced by current Year 9 students.


My purpose is... "To use innovative technology to assist in the creation of projects that will enhance the way we live in the future." 


My purpose is... "To communicate and connect with individuals so that I have a positive impact on their mental, physical, emotional and social health." 


My purpose is... "To bring justice to all communities so that they may live in an environment that is livable where everyone is treated equally." 


Throughout this year, Year 9 students will engage with problems and challenges in their localised world whilst reflecting on their 'purpose'. Furthermore, they will complete learning modules about Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy and Digital Footprint, whilst updating their online folios which showcase the very best of who they are, what they can do and what problems they want to solve. This serves as a very important reminder of how each one of our Year 9 students, like every single one of our students, and like every human being throughout the world, is 'uniquely built' and uniquely made in the image and likeness of God.


The evolution of Life Design over the last three years has prompted questions about what the senior years of schooling look like at St Luke's. In 2021, Year 10 Life Design will see students engage with new Learning Modules such as 'Work Preparation'. As well as this they will continue to reflect on their purpose by engaging with their Passion Projects, occasionally with community and business partners.


Knowing that, we cannot help but look further towards and commence planning for 2022 and 2023. We know that we will be offering the Higher School Certificate (HSC) which, for those who choose, will also ensure they attain an ATAR to assist with post school university options. As part of the Australian Qualifications Framework, a Diploma assists students to access university degree courses. There are students in other CEDP schools engaged in a diploma course of study and Open University subjects. These same students can leave school and, in some cases, go straight into a second year university course.


Combining all of the above, we are using this frame below to shape our thinking as we consider the final years of secondary schooling at St Luke's.



Indeed, these are exciting times!



On another matter, I share this image with you.


It is taken from the same place looking at the same landscape west of the Blue Mountains. There are three very different pictures; one sees the landscape at its beaming best bathing in glorious sunshine, another reflects the turbulent landscape through a dust storm, and another shows the cold felt as a result of snow. I have no doubt that each and everyone of us has at different times this year, been at our best, experienced turbulence, and endured the cold. Throughout it all, God has been there, wrapping His love around us. May God continue to walk with us, and be among us, through the thoughtful encounter we have with Him through the relationships we enjoy with those closest to us.


Many Blessings for the weeks ahead.


Mr Greg Miller

Principal Leader