Thank you messages

Thank you messages update

I just wanted to provide a quick update re: thank you messages. Firstly, I am still happy to receive any thank you messages/cards from students/families that will be passed on to essential workers. Please send any letters/cards/messages to


Secondly, I wanted to say a huge thank you to the students who have already provided me with cards and messages to be sent on. The response from people who have received a message/s has been overwhelmingly positive.


The notes have so far been sent to various essential workers including aged care workers, the staff at Sacred Heart Mission, and local hospital staff. 


Messages that I have received back from some of these people include:


“That has literally made my day. It is tough at the moment but please thank the kids from me. They are so sweet.”


“Please tell your students thank you for their lovely messages. I loved receiving them. Also, reassure them that it is hard but we are okay.”


“Thank you so much. These are absolutely wonderful. I love how they are all different. Bless them.”


These messages really are making a difference in this difficult time. 

Thank you for your support.