Student enrichment and support

Karen Ryan, Director of Student Enrichment and Support

Born to Soar

I’d like to extend my gratitude to the Shelford community for its warm welcome in my new role. It has been lovely to meet students and their parents in this caring, supportive community of passionate learners and devoted families, and I look forward to getting to know many more of you over the course of the year. Semester 1 is a busy time for writing students’ Individualised Education Plans and we continue to meet with students and their parents as part of the collaborative IEP writing process. 


Breaking news! Save the date!


We are very excited to announce that Shelford is partnering with Born To Soar, an internationally award-winning specialist in gifted education, to establish a new Centre for Gifted and Talented Education at Shelford from Term 3 this year.


Student courses are designed to specifically address the mind of the gifted thinker, to be challenging and fast-paced, whilst allowing for the deep, rich exploration of concepts, skills and ideas. Courses developed by Born To Soar’s curriculum designers are aligned to the Australian Curriculum.


Parents of Junior School students will be invited to learn more about this exciting initiative at a parent information evening to be held in the Hall on Wednesday 19 May at 6.30pm. Additional details will be provided closer to the event. If you are curious to find out more, please visit


Karen Ryan

Director of Student Enrichment and Support