What's Happening at OLA!


In Religion, we have been learning about how we can communicate with others. We identified different ways that we can show love to the people in our lives. Some ideas that we had were: hugging our friends, helping our friends if they fall down and saying nice things to our friends.

In HASS, we learnt about yarning circles and practised conversations with our friends.

This week, in Pre-Primary, we have also been working on a surprise project. The surprise will be revealed at our assembly next Friday!

Mrs Noonan, Miss Smith and Mrs Durkin

Year 2

This week, in Year 2, we have been learning about multiplication and exploring repeated addition. We have been using hands on materials such as counters, blocks and Lego to solve and make multiplication arrays. We have also been learning our five times tables facts and singing along to, Mr Demaio’s Maths Raps. We are thoroughly enjoying singing along to Mr DeMaio, and cannot wait to start learning the songs he has created for the ten and two times tables.


In English, we have been exploring fairy tale stories and looking at the characters and settings. We learnt about the fairy tale, Jack and the Beanstalk. We explored the characters and wrote adjectives to describe the characters appearance and personality.


Over the week, we have been practising our dance moves for the OLA PJ Party Disco using a program called, Go Noodle. We get to practise as a reward for all the hard work we have been doing in Year 2.

Miss Rotondo and Miss Croft

Year 4

This week, in Year Four, we immersed ourselves in everything English. We are learning how to write a persuasive text and read some fantastic fiction books that use persuasion. In spelling, we started a new program called, Spelling City. We are learning how to infer as part of reading comprehension. Did you know it is just like being a detective? We look for clues in passages and pictures and work out what is happening. As the Chinese Proverb says, “A picture paints a thousand words”. 


On Wednesday, 25 July, we had our wonderful grandparents visit our classroom. We were so happy to share our experiences of school and for them to share their experiences with us. Our world is constantly evolving, and technology is moving so fast. It made us realise how lucky we are to have the tools and resources to enhance our education.


In Religion, we are learning about God being the Creator of the forces in the universe. We viewed YouTube clips about the forces of water and wind and the planets in our Solar System. This compliments our Science program which is also about forces, pushes and pulls and magnets. We have found this interesting and have asked so many questions about each aspect.

Mrs McCarthy, Ms Dean, Miss Mannas and Mrs Peters

Year 6

We have returned to OLA excited and refreshed after our holidays. Week 1 was highlighted by NAIDOC Week and our involvement in many activities, from painting boomerangs with Aboriginal symbols to the assembly featuring Gina Williams who taught us Aboriginal songs from our local region.


Our Science lesson in 6M stretched our abilities, as we were tasked with putting together a wooden car which needed an on/off switch that would operate a light bulb and fan motor…some of us were successful and are now adding aesthetics to the car to rival Riccardo’s F1 car.


My Kitchen Rules has come to Year 6 in the form of an assignment, in which we are to prepare a scrumptious morsel. We look forward to presenting a video of our preparation and presentation of our chosen creation, and watching the delighted faces of our class mates and teachers. Mr D, keeps mentioning anything he can eat with a short black coffee will be given bonus points.

Miss Figueira and Mr De Pietro