Principal's Message

Plenary Council Prayer

Come, Holy Spirit of Pentecost. Come, Holy Spirit of the great South Land.


O God, bless and unite all your people in Australia and guide us on the pilgrim way of the Plenary Council.


Give us the grace to see your face in one another and to recognise Jesus, our companion on the road. Give us the courage to tell our stories and to speak boldly of your truth. Give us ears to listen humbly to each other and a discerning heart to hear what you are saying.


Lead your Church into a hope-filled future, that we may live the joy of the Gospel. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, bread for the journey from age to age.




Our Lady Help of Christians, pray for us.


St Mary MacKillop, pray for us.

Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop

All families are invited to attend the whole school Mass to celebrate the Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. The Mass will be held on Wednesday 8 August commencing at 9am.

Feast of the Assumption 

Wednesday, 15 August, is the Feast of the Assumption. Please see the attached flyer for information regarding the day, and events that will be happening at OLA to celebrate our Feast Day.


Class teachers will provide further details about donations on Monday in their Weekly Update. Please note that any food donations are to be nut free.


If your child requires gluten free sausages and rolls these will be provided. If your child would not like a sausage sizzle lunch, then please provide them with a normal packed lunch on the day.


We hope that you can come along to join in our celebrations.

Performing Arts Festival Update

Congratulations to Daniel (5M) for receiving an Outstanding Award for his performance in the Primary Piano Solo section of the Festival. What an amazing achievement, Daniel! On Wednesday, the Year 6 students in the Recorder Club attended the festival with Mrs McAuliffe. The children received eight 'excellents' and one 'very good' in their feedback from the adjudicators.

OLA Kids' Pyjama Party Disco - Tonight!

Tonight the OLA School Disco will be held in the Shared Facility.


The scheduled sessions are:

Kindy - Year 2: 5.30 - 7.00pm

Year 3 - Year 6: 7.30 - 9.00pm


Please refer to the P&F Page of this newsletter for more information.

P&F Upcoming Events

The P&F have been busy organising a number of events for families at OLA. Please refer to their section of the newsletter for more information.

Executive Director's Leaders Forum

On Monday, the OLA Leadership Team attended the Executive Director's Leaders Forum at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. This forum saw all members of Leadership, within Catholic schools, meet to discuss current matters in Catholic Education. An introductory session about the Plenary Council 2020 provided insight into what we think God is asking of us, in Australia, at this time. More information about the Council can be found on the website:


Subsequent sessions throughout the day included valuable discussions about the CECWA Strategic Directions  (2019 - 2021) that are currently being formulated, and are due for publication later this year.


The final session of the day looked at the draft Early Years Position Statement and Literacy Position Statement which will be finalised by the end of the year. Leaders were also given a sneak preview of the new marketing campaign that was completed over the holiday break and included many students across Western Australia. We look forward to seeing the release of this promotion soon!

After School Supervision

A member of the OLA Leadership Team (or staff member in their absence) is on duty at the school's front gate on Chester Avenue until 3.30pm. Parents are asked to please collect their children by this time. If you are running late, and are unable to collect your child by 3.30pm, please contact the Office on 9471 3000 so that your child can be notified and so that the Leadership Team are aware.

The Bishops' Religious Literacy Assessment (BRLA)

The Bishops' Religious Literacy Assessment is a large-scale, standardised assessment that consists of a series of Religious Education (RE) tests developed and marked by the Office of Catholic Education Western Australia. The purpose of the BRLA is to measure student learning of the content in the RE curriculum. Formal school and student reports are produced by the Office and will become available to schools in Term Four.


The BRLA provides a ‘point in time’ snapshot of student performance in RE. Students’ knowledge and understanding of the content of the RE curriculum is assessed using a combination of multiple choice, and short and extended response items. Students’ faith is not assessed. The use of the BRLA complements the school based assessment programs in RE.



The Year 5 assessment is scheduled for Monday 6 August and the Year 3 assessment will be held on Tuesday 14 August.

Fathers' Day Breakfast and Mass

A Fathers' Day Breakfast and Mass has been scheduled for 31 August, commencing at 7.00am with the breakfast. A flyer will be sent home over the next couple of weeks. Fathers are encouraged to schedule this event in their diaries.

Canteen Helpers Needed Urgently

A Message from Rosie Samuels (Canteen Manageress)


To keep prices to a minimum, volunteers are required to assist in the canteen. If the school was to employ a canteen assistant, prices would increase significantly and we don't want this to occur. We would like to keep the costs down to a minimum, hence assistance from the community is required. If you were to compare the OLA canteen prices to other schools, you will notice our prices are a lot cheaper.


A huge thank you to Julia and the other volunteers I can call upon to help out during our very busy canteen days. At this stage, the Term 3 helpers schedule has not been filled by parents and assistance is required urgently.


Below is the schedule for Term 3 and I would dearly love more people to assist on canteen days.  Please complete the attached PDF schedule email it directly to me at 


Thank you

Rosie Samuels

Canteen Manageress

Have a great weekend!


Greg Martin
