From the Principal

Dear Parents & Carers


There has been such an exciting buzz around the school since we all returned 3 weeks ago on 12th October.  It's been great having the students back.  It reminds us teachers of why we chose the profession we did and why we love working at Queen of Peace so much! 

We are extremely proud of our students during this year's remote and flexible learning time, especially in the commitment so many made to their continued learning, demonstrating perseverance and resilience.  We know too that for some students there were great challenges in this style of learning.  Consequently, children have returned to school with varying needs. However, as teachers, we know and understand that all students have varying needs, with or without a global pandemic!  We also know that our role is to view each student as an individual on their learning journey and that the journey is life-long!  It doesn’t stop at the end of Year 6, or after Year 12 or even after a University degree. 


Our aim for our students this term is to gauge where they are at in the various areas of their learning and to continue that journey in the best possible way that we can.  Whilst the fundamentals of literacy and numeracy are essential in student development, so are elements of play, investigation, experimentation, questioning and wondering. 


We also know the need for us to focus on and develop students’ social learning at this point in time. Indeed this is essential to practise at all times. For many, social interactions may have been limited to zoom meetings with family and friends and occasional play sessions at the park in recent times. We will seek opportunities for students to practise cooperative and social skills during Term 4, which is naturally a part of the Personal and Social Capability in our Victorian Curriculum..


We encourage all parents to continue to work closely with our staff to further enhance our student’s learning and instil in your children a passion for this life-long pursuit.

Student testing this term has indicated that many children have made very pleasing gains during remote learning. To support our students further, we have employed 4 extra teachers this term to provide extra support in literacy and numeracy across the school during this term. These teachers have been working with small groups of children focusing on explicit teaching of literacy in the early years and numeracy in the middle years. These programs have also provided the opportunity for Classroom teachers to focus more explicitly on the needs of the students in their rooms. 


Parent and Friends  

Thank you to the Parents who nominated for executive roles on the P & F for 2021,

President: Fay Forde Vice President: Melissa Bartolo, Secretary: Ronnie Tucker, Treasurer: Megan Johnson, Social: Jenny Belios, Fundraising: Karina Campbell, Grounds: Justin Magro.


I particularly would like to thank Maureen Puopolo for taking on the role of President this year and the other members of the Executive committee: Melissa, Gina, Ronnie, Brandy, Cindy, Fay and Justin. This group clearly demonstrates the benefits of having families in the community who are willing to put their hands up to do things for the benefit of the school and the children. There is a strong sense of community amongst our families.

I would also like to particularly thank Maureen and Cindy, who will be leaving our school as Daniel and Ben move on to Year 7, for their years on the P&F Executive and commitment to Queen of Peace. 


Celebrating student achievements

We are proud to share the news of former Queen of Peace pupils who have been appointed to leadership positions at Emmanuel College for 2021. Congratulations Jordan Gasim, College Captain, St Paul's Campus and Nathan Ang, College Co-Captain, Notre Dame Campus. 


Financial Support

Excursion and Incursion Fee refund

Last month the Parish Education Board approved the motion that no increase in school fees will occur for 2021. This is in recognition of the continuing impact on jobs and income for many families in what will be a slow economic recovery over 2021. 


All families that have paid fees will receive a credit adjustment of $100 per child for the excursion and incursion fee refund. The school will credit all camp costs from 2020 to the 2021 fees.  In the case of our Year 6 Students who don’t have siblings at QoP, they will be refunded the total cost.


Warm regards

Darren Gibbons
