assistant principal's message

Hi Parent/Carers, 


Expert Week is finally here! We are bringing the community in to guide a week of learning, like no other! Whether you are interested in science fiction writing, medical research, pet life drawing, playing chess or making sushi rolls there is something for everyone! This week will not only further highlight our incredible community and student leaders, importantly it will help engage your children in meaningful ways, linking their interests to deeper thinking, literacy and numeracy tasks, with all children concluding their days with a reflection. A big thank you to all the incredible experts, parents, carers, teachers and students who have come together to make this engaging week possible. Find the overview here  Deb, Jenny & Chris have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to pull this innovative way of learning together. I look forward to seeing some of the students’ responses on Google Classrooms and Seesaw next week. 


During Remote Learning 2.0 we have been trying to utilise parents and carers as partners more than ever, we know the importance of having a strong relationship. As mentioned in the Education Hour podcast about assessment, we are inviting parents & carers who have been such important contributors to their child’s learning so far to assist us by reflecting on their child/ren strengths and next steps.  


Effective teachers take deliberate steps to increase discussions with parents about student learning and progress. When these partnerships are effective, they emphasise maximising teamwork, helping set a curricular, and behavioural direction for students; and work to minimise misunderstandings (Jeynes, 2012).


Within the curriculum teachers explicitly teach, integrate and assess the Capabilities, these are Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural, Personal and Social Capabilities. These capabilities are important skills and understandings that help us to function as individuals and also to contribute to a wider society. The teams at BNWPS are in the process of reflecting on these with students and they would love a parent perspective. 


Teams have designed a scaled reflection linked to the curriculum. It will be kept as confidential and used for the purpose of planning next steps along with their own teacher knowledge. Please follow the Google Forms to find the relevant reflection document for your child. Take the next few weeks to contribute your thoughts and provide the school with your thinking. 


Foundie Parent Reflection 

Junior Parent Reflection

Middle Parent Reflection 

Senior Parent Reflection   


As Wendy mentioned in her Morning Announcement, we will share our Term 4, BNW Roadmap next week. The above surveys will also give us information to take into consideration when planning and being responsive to all areas of student development in Term 4. If you have any questions about the capabilities surveys please get in touch 


This weekend enjoy the wonderful Spring Step, the WALKATHON come SCAVENGER HUNT FUNDRAISER! Here are the Final Instructions and Maps. BNWPS encapsulates the meaning of community spirit, connecting many families during the most isolating times. 


Keep safe & well,
