Masquerade Disco

Friday 4 September

Put on Your Mask & Dancing Shoes

The Specialist team are thrilled to be present our first virtual disco, The Masked Dancer. It’s going to be such a fun and exciting way for our students to be able to connect with each other. We will be promoting this event in Specialist lessons (starting on Monday), as well as in the upcoming assembly, but we would love it if parents could help us get the children excited about it too. 


There will be two discos, both to be held on Friday 4 September, held via Zoom:

  • Foundation – Year 2, at 2 – 2:40pm
  • Years 3 – 6, at 2:45 – 3:30pm.

Students will be making masks as their art lesson the week leading up the dance. They will also be learning dances, taking song requests and playing games. 


The teachers will create a padlet for the children to share their photos of them enjoying the dance afterwards!


Happy dancing!