Principal's Report

Week 8 Already?

Welcome to the start of Spring! We hope that a new season means a change of fortunes and a return to some sense of normalcy soon. I find it incredible that we are in Week 8 - less than three weeks until our next school holidays.


Given the notable length of time that we have all been involved in remote learning, parents have raised questions and concerns about where their child is at in their learning and their preparedness for future school years. Whilst nobody would pretend that remote learning provides the same opportunities as face-to-face learning, it is important to reflect upon what the students are gaining during this time.


Your children will have experienced great learning gains during these last two terms and developed many skills. As well as developing their Literacy and Numeracy understandings, they have developed a range of proficiencies, including managing their time and work, finding alternative ways to get answers, adapting to new technologies and managing challenging situations. They have been fantastic – they would have had good weeks and bad weeks, good days and bad days. The same goes to you as parents – we sincerely appreciate all of the efforts that you have gone to, to support your children online.


Whilst we don’t yet know when students are returning to school, I have absolute confidence in our staff to support your children remotely and back in the classroom. As this is a collective experience, all students are in the same position, and our commitment to learning and wellbeing will remain paramount.


What’s Happening in the Google Classroom?

The question should be, ‘what isn’t happening?’ I am fortunate to be able to visit all the classrooms and drop into meetings, and there is lots to explore. Science Week has resulted in many exciting scientific activities and experiments. Staff and students have shared their cooking talents, pets, pyjamas (not pets in in pyjamas) and have become familiar at meeting times and our Padlet page (Foundation – Year 2 Padlet; Year 3 – 6 Padlet) is bursting with creativity.



As part of Science Week, students were challenged to imagine an underwater community where people live, work, go to school, source food and access transportation. Students were encouraged to be creative as to how they responded to the challenge. Below is one of the responses to the ‘Deep Blue’ challenge, by 5B students Rosie F, Juliet M and Mathilda L.


Cooking Classes

Scones and crepes – yum! Year 6 students were put through their paces in the kitchen.



Thank you for the positive feedback that you continue to share. It is equally important for the school to know what’s not going so well, as this can only help us improve the program.


Virtual Assembly

Yesterday’s virtual assembly is available to view in your child’s Google Classroom. This week you can find out about Indigenous Literacy Day 2020, our upcoming virtual disco and watch more of our talented students in isolation.

Iso-Talented - Max, the Jedi Master
Iso-Talented - Vinh, violin solo
Iso-Talented, Alena and Logan - 'The Sound of Silence'
An update from Sarah
Masquerade Disco - Friday 4 September
Indigenous Literacy Day
Paul enjoys the specialist program!
Iso-Talented - Max, the Jedi Master
Iso-Talented - Vinh, violin solo
Iso-Talented, Alena and Logan - 'The Sound of Silence'
An update from Sarah
Masquerade Disco - Friday 4 September
Indigenous Literacy Day
Paul enjoys the specialist program!


Enjoy your week. Keep well, keep positive and look after yourselves.

Rosy (FB) has been decorating the streets with positive messages
A response to Rosy's message
Rosy (FB) has been decorating the streets with positive messages
A response to Rosy's message


~Paul Wallace, Principal