GEKA Centre Road

The Love and Kindness Tree 

GEKA Centre Road Educational Team


We read “Kindness Matters”, a book about how being kind can spread from one person to another, but equally, how being mean or hurtful to others, can do the same thing. We talked about how being kind to someone can really help them and can change how other people feel.  


'Kindness Matters'  is a book by Kim Mitzo Thompson and KAren Mitzo Hilderband.  This Story is read in the link below by Calvin Thomas. 


We decided to make our own 'kindness tree', and add a leaf or flower to it every time someone does something kind for another person at kindergarten. This might involve pushing someone on a swing, or talking to someone if they are alone or even by asking them to join in.  When someone does something kind or helpful for someone else,  you write about that kindness on a ‘leaf’,  then pin it on your tree and watch your tree grow.  You can use anything to make your tree - you can draw it on a chalk board, a big piece of paper, or attach photos to a real house plant.


You can use this technique at home too, to encourage any positive behaviour, by acknowledging kind behaviour toward others and when helping out at home.


This term we watched the tree at kindergarten blossom, as the children’s acts of kindness for each other grew.  Children and educators from all three groups added to the kindness tree, and celebrated the positive moments across our kindergarten community.


We have been so proud of how the children at GEKA Centre Road have shown such great resilience and understanding, as our world has changed with COVID-19. 


Through art, children have been able to express their thoughts onto paper, promoting conversations to assist their level of understanding the changing world.


Children have asked many questions during the term and explored their understandings:  

Why do COVID germs make us feel sick?

Why do my teachers now wear masks and aprons?

Why do we wash our hands so much?


Lastly we want to say, 

😁Thank you to all our families for their patience and support.


😁Thank you to our GEKA Office and Management teams for all the ongoing guidance and protection.


😁And of course, thank you to the children for their smiles

The Silver Lining

Kelly Turner, Early Childhood Teacher

I'm Kelly Turner, the teacher at both three-year-old programs at GEKA Glover Street Kindergarten and GEKA Centre Road Kindergarten.  I believe I always try to find a silver lining when faced with challenging times in my life and I really believe in everything happening for a reason.  COVID-19 has been one of those times.  As disruptive, disheartening and uncomfortable as this entire situation has delivered to all of us all around the world, I believe that when we reach the other side of this pandemic, that a silver lining will present itself and collectively, we will come out better for it. 





I love being a teacher. I have loved being able to be surrounded by young children and their genuine free flowing love, affection and happiness. The qualities of the human spirit have continually uplifted me in the most of uncertain times, while working through the restrictions. 



I cherish those close to me, especially when it comes to my relationships - the one I have with my supportive, kind and loving partner Leigh, my supportive girlfriends and my family. 


I'm also really happy to continually support and shop locally.  I have noticed a strong sense of community more than ever before and this makes me so happy for those who need our business and brings us together shopping for the things we need, when we need them.