Advocacy - Children & Families

Child Protection:  Listening to Children

NAPCAN is an independent charity and the leading advocacy body for preventing of child abuse and neglect


National Child Protection Week is from6 – 12 September 2020.  

Putting children first’ was front of mind when the National Child Protection Week campaign was launched in 1990, with the aim of bringing abuse and neglect out of the shadows and putting child well-being on the national agenda.  Since then, the need to put children first has been recognised time and time again as an important pillar for boosting the well-being of all children in Australia.  


Putting children first means prioritising the safety and well-being of children. To grow up well children need to feel safe and loved, have a chance to play and explore, have a say in decisions that affect them, and access to essential things like food, shelter and healthcare.  For children to thrive we need to come together as a community and put children’s needs first during National Child Protection Week and every week. 


At GEKA, we believe everyone plays a collective role in caring for our children.  We believe all children have the right to be and feel safe in environments that respect cultural safety and maintain a culture in which children, their histories, and identities are valued, respected and cared for. 


Protecting children from the risks of abuse is embedded in everyday thinking and practice.

Children Out and About in the Community

For more information go to ELAA’s Starting Out Safely




Books for Children, that help with understanding COVID-19

Wash you hands By Tony Ross Thank you for reading along with Lights Down Reading. 


StoryTime at Awnie's House. This timely book is written by two authors who are studying to be doctors. Come read with me and learn all about Coronavirus!


The StoryTime Family. What exactly is kindness? What is it to be kind? Is it being helpful? Being polite? Does it have to be a big act to be more kind?