Senior School Report

Message from the
Director of Learning
- Mr. Jonathan Roberts
It has been a big month for the senior school students with the greatest quality that’s shining through at the minute is the amount of leadership amongst the group. We know we have a quality core group of leaders who are setting a new standard for what they get involved in and drive at the College, but it was the extra students that involved themselves in Harmony Day and Westall Week that also stood out. This was a huge commitment by those involved especially those performing. They have been juggling rehearsals as well as their studies and I must say they should be very proud of what they produced on Harmony Day. It was fantastic to see the number of senior students involved who have now set the bar high for future years to follow their example. Congratulations to all those students who did such an awesome job with all your performances.
As we approach the first term break, all students must reflect on their efforts and performance from Term 1 to ensure that we continue to strive to better ourselves as we get closer to the pointy end of Senior School. Remember, it is all about dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. It is the little things that we do to make things perfect that will be the difference at the end of the year. Every student needs to make sure that they are up to date with their work. It is pretty easy to see that those who do the work are the ones achieving great results!
I challenged the year 12’s to think about how quickly five minutes a day can add up. If students do one thing or a few things that takes the teachers attention away from teaching, even if it is 5 minutes a day, this adds up very quickly. If we did that from now until the end of the year it adds up to 3 weeks of a subject (9 periods of class time). The same goes though if you can find 5 minutes extra of study a day. That would mean 9 extra periods of learning by the end of week 3, Term 4. We must continue to do the extras to give ourselves the best possible chance at achieving our best results.
Take this opportunity over the break to recharge the batteries but also set yourselves up for a quality Term 2. For VCE students, look back on your SAC results and refer back to the VCAA study designs to identify any key knowledge or skills that may still need some improvement. I know we keep referring back to it, but make sure you are using Edrolo, even if it is just completing the end of topic tests. This is a great example of how the little things can add up.
Well done to staff and students on your efforts so far and we all look forward to building on that as the year goes on.
Mr. Jonathan Roberts