Assistant Principal Report

Assistant Principal
- Mrs. Sue Simadri
Progress Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews
As we approach the end of Term 1, teachers have conducted various assessments with their students and completed Progress Reports that provide an overview of the way in which students have approached their studies during the term. Progress Reports will be available to students and parents in the first week of Term 2. Please note that the reports will be posted on Compass; printed hard copies will be not be issued.
Parent Teacher Interviews will be conducted on Tuesday, 30th April, from 3 – 6:00pm. This is a great opportunity for parents to meet their child’s teachers and to find out how he/she is really doing. The Compass Booking Portal is now open. Please click on the link on your Compass homepage and follow the instructions. Please note that Compass online bookings are preferred (instructions are included below). If you require some assistance in making the bookings, please contact the school.
The PT Interviews will be held in the Balook Learning Centre. Chinese, Vietnamese, Burmese, Arabic and Khmer interpreters can be selected when making your bookings to assist with communication. If you require an Interpreter of a language other than the languages listed, please let me know via email or contact the College on 9546 3233 by 24th April.
I look forward to seeing all families represented at the first Parent /Teacher Interviews for the current school year.
School Photos
Students who ordered a photo package earlier this term, should have received their order. Families are still able to place a photo order online; please refer to the instructions on the Second Chance Photo Order card that your child has been given, which contains a unique code to view their photos on the Hikari Photography website.
Student ID Cards
Compass ID cards have arrived at the school. All students are required to have their ID cards with them at all times. They must present their card to borrow books/equipment from the library, to print/photocopy, and as photo ID for VCE examinations. Students will also be required to register their late arrival and early leave on the Compass Kiosk in the front office.
Coordinators have distributed the ID cards; student who have not been given their cards must purchase it from the General Office for $10.
Real Time Reporting
As mentioned in the last newsletter, Westall is moving to Ongoing or Real Time Reporting. This means that teachers will provide feedback on your child’s progress and achievements at various stages in the semester, which allows for the student and the family to address issues and make changes prior to the end of semester.
Many classes have already completed Common Assessment Tasks (CATs), that their teachers will have provided feedback on. Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to login to Compass and have a look at how students have performed, and what they need to do to improve.
More and more, Compass is becoming our one-stop-shop. I strongly recommend that parents begin using this platform, if you are not currently doing so. The college can provide support, as and when needed; please ring 9546 3233.
Winter uniform
Families are reminded that all students should be in full winter uniform in Term 2. School ties must be worn and students are encouraged to wear plain white t-shirts under the school shirt for added warmth. Head scarfs, if worn, must be navy blue.
Thank you to all families for your continued support of the college uniform policy.
All students must ensure that they are organised for the start of Term 2. Please be aware that anyone who is not in full school winter uniform, will be sent home.
Set yourself up for a great year - Andrew Fuller
Make this the year that you will remember for the rest of your life as the time you really set yourself on the pathway to success. There are several sure-fire ways to make this the best year so far.
Happy Holidays!
Wishing all students and their families a safe, enjoyable holiday period and a very happy Easter.