Year Adviser Reports

Year 7

What a busy start Year 7 have had to Term 2. All student have returned to school after the holidays all refreshed and energised for a massive term ahead. Firstly I would like to congratulate all of Year 7 sitting and complete their NAPLAN testing. All students worked well under exam conditions and were all engaged with the tests and tried their very best.


In Week 2 the whole school participated in the School Cross Country. I am extremely proud of the all of Year 7 for their participation and enthusiasm in this event. I would like to especially congratulate Ashlyn Hyland (12) and Malakai Woflgramm (13) for their results. Both these students set a blistering pace for their first ever High School Cross Country. I would like to wish all the students who got selected for the Zone Cross Country team the best of luck at zone.

Ashlyn Hyland
Malakai Woflgramm
Ashlyn Hyland
Malakai Woflgramm

On Tuesday 14 May, Milana St Clair and Evan Morton performed at the Henry Kendall High School On Track Performance Evening at the Entertainment Grounds. Milana on vocals and guitar and Evan on guitar performed at a beautiful rendition of Pompeii by Bastille. Both these students are extremely talented and I cannot wait to see their talent progress.

A massive congratulations to Jessica Hunter who has been selected in the Under 16's Girls Volleyball Team. School Sport Australia offers state based programs to gifted students with the opportunity to participate in higher levels of competition. The School Sport Australia Under 16's Volleyball Championships is being held in South Australia from the 17-23 August. This event will provide students with educational, cultural and social benefits.


Some more events to look forward to this term include the School Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 29 May and Henry Kendall’s Got Talent during Week 9. I look forward to seeing Year 7 shining brightly. Keep up the enthusiasm and continue to work hard for the rest of the Term. Remember “Self-belief is the secret to success”

Miss Crystal Reynen

Year 7 Adviser

Year 9 

Year 9 students have had a good  started to Term 2. They again have shown positive attitudes towards their studies and I have received many positive comments from their teachers. Student’s Vivo are also showing their positive attitude to their studies. I look forward to reading all of Year 9 report comments in the up coming weeks. 


A general reminder that student should be looking at their assessment booklet that was issued at the beginning of the year to ensure they are aware of all of the assessment that are coming due. This is so they can plan and organise their time to ensure all tasks are given adequate time and completed to the best of their ability. As a school, we are now putting all assessment task notification onto students Sentral portal. Parents are able to access these as well. 


All Year 9 students should be congratulated for their amazing efforts in NAPLAN in Week 3. I was very proud of how seriously students took the exam and the fact they were trying their best. Well done! 


On Tuesday 14 May, Henry Kendall High School put on it's annual ‘On Track’ performance night. It was amazing to see so many Year 9 students get up and perform. Our Year 9 performers included; Chloe Brunner, Briah Catton, Anastacia Zwanink, Harmony Day, Tyson McClinchie, Joel Trainor, Skye Regan, Oliver Debus, Kyle Dowling, Tram Nguyen and Kane Norman. All of these students performed so well and should be congratulated.

On another note, Year 9 has been displaying really positive attributes in Tuesday afternoon sport. A special mention is to the students who did Netball Term 1, their encouragement and ‘can do’ attitude made for enjoyable afternoons every week. 

Finally, Henry Kendall High School has again been lucky enough to be part of the YAM program again. The program goes for 3 weeks. Year 9 students have really positive feedback from the course so far, which is great to see them take on such a positive experience.


Keep up the good work Year 9!

Miss Cassandra McLennan

Year 9 Adviser

Year 11 

Year 11 have been busy settling into their senior school pattern and I must commend them on their positive and hardworking attitudes. It has been wonderful to see so many of you working toward your personal best and achieving personal milestones. Remember to take it one assessment at a time and your teachers are here to help and guide you through the process. It’s hard to believe that you are over halfway for your Preliminary studies, so keep up the momentum.

Congratulations to our recent Quilty’s Kudos winners - Jarrod Parker, Sarah Peace, Jasmine Potter, Jaymes Wilkinson, Tai Ho, Ainslee Fernandes, Zane Dowling, Liam Horn, Stella Tufuga, Lexci Kacmarczyk, Chloe Matthews and Harrison Neale. To get nominations from your teachers and peers has been a wonderful experience because I am hearing all about what wonderful individuals you are. Keep nominating!


More congratulations must go out to other students in Year 11 who have participated in our Henry Kendall High School Mock Trial Team and our annual performance night of On Track at The Entertainment Grounds. I’ll just have a corny moment here and say that these are the memories you will hold dear when you leave Henry Kendall High School in 18 month’s time, so enjoy them as they come and well done.

This is my last newsletter report as the Year 11 Year Adviser, as I am due to have a baby in the July school holidays. Because of this, I just wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for embracing me when stepping into the role last year and trusting me to look after your children. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know these amazing young people and I have seen so much growth and change in them throughout my time as Year Adviser. I plan to see the cohort graduate in September next year and I know I will see a hundred or so young adults who are ready to go out and change the world. Whoever takes over the position is a very lucky individual.


I am here until the end of the term and of course, if there are any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Jade Draper

Year 11 Adviser