Upper Ferntree Gully Awards

Student of the week
F Jadon - For being helpful to his friends in the playground.
1/2 N Amelie - For working well in a team.
2/3 D Jone - For taking responsibility for your learning by making sure to complete your homework! Well done!
4/5 D Cooper R - For being a kind, caring, bubbly class member who makes everyone smile.
5/6 CS Mason - For respecting teachers and students by using good manners.
Maths Awards
F Isabella - For helping her classmates order towers from tallest to smallest.
1/2 N Connor - For showing understanding of sharing into equal groups.
2/3 D Alex - For your excellent effort to plot fractions on a number line! Great work!
4/5 D Declan - For pushing yourself to learn challenging topics in Fractions and Decimals.
5/6 CS Eliza - For demonstrating a growth mindset and working hard to achieve her learning goals.
Writing Awards
F Finely - For making his writing more exciting by using new vocabulary.
1/2 N Brody - For presenting neat handwriting.
2/3 D Avery - For taking your time with your writing and for editing your writing piece!
4/5 D Sarah C - For doing a great job of following the writing rainbow
5/6 CS Rhianna - For her effort and improvement with her handwriting.
Japanese Award
Foundation - Ash - For his great enthusiasm towards learning new things in Japanese. Keep up the good work!