Principal's Report

Thank you for 2019
It has been a whirlwind of a year with so much happening, even our students have commented as to how quickly it has gone. As always the Upper Gully community has been incredibly supportive of our small school. We face many challenges as a small school however we also have some amazing successes and opportunities for all of our students. We work really hard to make sure that we can give our students just as much opportunity as those in bigger schools. While there are many things we can't control ( the amount of girls in Upper Gully) there is a lot that we can do to positively support our community and students.
Some of the great events we have had this year include:
Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival
Sherbrooke District Swimming Carnival
Whole School RUSH excursion
Grade 6 Jackets and Polos
Gr 5/6 City Camp
Whole School Aquatic Education
District Cross Country
Winter Sports
Grade 3/4 Phillip Island Camp
District Athletics
Life Education Visit
Summer Sports 2018
Grade 1 Dinner Grade 2 Sleepover
Grade 5/6 STEM Tech and Trade's Day
School Christmas Concert
Grade 6 Leadership Day
Parliament House and Shrine Excursion
Grade 6 Graduation
Grade 6 Big Day Out
Class Parties
And then we have the parents!
Family Night
School Banking
Book Club
School Council
Classroom Helpers
Library Helpers
Trivia Night
Mothers Day Stall
Fathers Day Gifts
Special Friends and Family Day
I'm sure I missed something, however they say schools are busy places.
The staff at this school deserve an amazing thank you for all that they do. I have really appreciated all of their support this year. They make things a lot lighter and even when it can be challenging, they work together and work it out.
Thank you to our wonderful supportive families. I know that our children can face challenges in a small school however we all really appreciate the communication and support that you give to help us work through difficult times as well as joining in and celebrating our wonderful success and achievements.
Thank you to our PFA and School Council. We greatly appreciate the time that people offer to help our school be a success and improve every year.
Thank you to all of our students. It is always wonderful to see the enthusiasm and learning that happens at school. The willingness to step up and demonstrate our school values. While all children face struggles as they learn and grow our Upper Gully family work through and sort things out. They are able to show such wonderful resilience.
Thank you everyone for a wonderful year in 2019 and we wish you all the best over the break. We look forward to seeing you in 2020 for a fabulous year!
Assembly Friday 20th December 12:45pm
Please come along to our final assembly at 12:45pm on Friday the 20th of December in the library. We have end of year presentations to make and we farewell our year 6 students. The Christmas Raffle is also drawn.
Wheels Day
Thursday we have decided to have a wheels day and bbq to celebrate the end of the school year. We will be heading to the park on the corner and using the basketball court. Please ensure that students have helmets for all wheels activities.
Have a great week everyone.