Faith and Mission
Education in Faith
A Prayer for the Graduating Class of 2022
Loving God,
Bless the St Bede’s College Graduating Class of 2022.
Inspire and guide these graduates as they reach this end,
and as they chart new beginnings.
As men of faith, service and community
may they remember all that they have learned
during their many years of schooling
for these teachings will enrich their life and the lives of others.
May they always act with honesty, compassion and kindness.
May they love with fidelity;
May they serve others,
especially the poor, the marginalized, and those who suffer;
and to always seek the greater good.
Surround them with love and grant them confidence
about their future because you are always present to them.
And, may God bless you in the name of the Father,
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Remembrance Month
St Bede’s College Perpetual Memorial Book
In a very special way, the month of November is dedicated to the memory of our deceased family members and friends, and all who have gone before us.
Beginning with All Saints Day and All Souls Day, and continuing throughout the month, we hold in prayer those who have died.
To mark the special way that the Catholic tradition responds to death, St Bede’s College has a Perpetual Memorial Book that is kept in the Mentone Campus Chapel as an invitation to others to join you in praying for your deceased relatives and friends.
Please forward the name/s of any family member or friend that you would like to have added to the book to Ria Greene at . These names will be especially prayed for throughout the month of November.
* Please note - if you have previously added names, there is no need to submit them again as it is a Perpetual Book
Les Twentyman Foundation
Back to School Program - Donate second-hand books and educational resources
The 'Back to School Program' redistributes used educational resources to students who would otherwise be unable to afford them. In 2022, the Foundation was able to assist 500 students to access the supplies required to attend school.
St Bede’s College is seeking the following donations:
- Year 7 to 12 textbooks and study guides published since 2018
- English novels and literature texts (novels/plays/poetry/DVD’s)
- Atlases, dictionaries (English and foreign language), and thesauruses
- Calculators
- Laptops
- Stationery - physical donations (good condition) and/or vouchers (eg Officeworks)
Donations will be received up until Tuesday 6 December 2022, at both Mentone and Bentleigh East Campuses.
Please contact Ria Greene should you have any questions.
Ria Greene
Deputy Principal
Faith and Mission