
Valete - Graduating Class of 2022

What an honour to be part of such a special evening. An excerpt...


"Standing at the front of this gathering provides me with one of the best views Australia has to offer.  I see before me a host of achievers; young men who have now graduated from St Bede’s College and who have dealt with various personal challenges along the way. Each of you graduating from our College can take great pride in your achievement. 


It takes a team effort to get to this stage. I see in front of me the personal support teams - mums and dads, significant adults or guardians, brother, sisters, friends - who have all provided the essential infrastructures of love, sacrifice and enduring support.  Today, you receive the first dividends on your investment.  Thank you - parents, carers and families - for your support of these young people, and of St Bede’s College, over the past years. 


I also see my staff colleagues, and teachers who have encouraged learning and imparted knowledge, and who are every bit invested in your success as you are.  You started the year as their students. You now leave as much more than this.  These teachers have changed the lives of many who have passed through the College before you, and they have helped you along the way this year.  One of the real joys of teaching is that you help shape the futures of many who will go on to achieve much, and who, in turn, will positively impact the lives of many in the future.  These teachers are part of a magnificent multiplier effect."

On behalf of the College community, I would like to formally congratulate our 2022 Graduating Class, and thank them for being such wonderful young men who have made a great contribution to the College over these past six years.  We trust that as they leave our College, they do so with pride and as people of integrity, with a real sense of self-worth and purpose. We also take great comfort in knowing that they leave our College with a strong faith base, and pray that they find peace knowing that God will continue to travel with them on their journey ahead.  We are very proud of them and offer them all of God’s blessings for the future.

Ministerial Order 1359

As indicated in previous correspondence, we are considering ways by which we show inclusivity in practice at St Bede’s College, as required of us under Ministerial Order 1359.  


A discussion group has been established, co-chaired by the Deputy Principal – Faith and Mission, Ria Greene, and Wellbeing Coordinator, Scott Cadby. The group consists of staff, parents and Old Collegians, with the intention to also invite students to the group. 


Further information will be provided, and feedback sought, as this group brings forward its' recommendations.


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