P&C News

Our Mission Statement

We work alongside the school to support improved outcomes 

for all students.  We fundraise throughout the year to ensure our 

students, teachers and school have access to the most up to date 

resources and equipment.  We support our local community and 

families and uphold the positive image of Werris Creek Public School.

The Snack Shack

Thank you to all who have ordered and purchased from our canteen this term.  We will be closed for End of Term cleaning this Friday.  We look forward to bringing you some great treats next term.


A Message of Thanks from the P&C:

Thank you to all who have participated in our fundraising activities this term.  It has been a busy term with our Athletics Carnival, BBQ, Father's Day Stall and Pie Drive.  Without your support we would be unable to provide much needed funds to our students who benefit from the funds we raise to provide valuable resources to assist with their learning.  We look forward to bringing more activities in the future.  We value every family at Werris Creek Public School and your input into fundraising ideas to help assist our students to be the best they can be is vital.  We invite all families to attend our Meetings which are held monthly to discuss upcoming events.  We would like to give a special mention to The Werris Creek Rugby League Football Club for their generous donation and thank them for considering Werris Creek Public School and the P&C.  Thank you also to Jenny Reynolds who runs our canteen every Friday.  We would not be able to run the canteen without you.  We wish everyone a safe and happy break and look forward to what will be a busy Term 4.


P&C Meeting

Our next P&C General Meeting will be held on Monday 17th October at 6:00 pm.  All welcome to attend.



Why not come along to our next P&C Meeting and share it with us.  We are open to new ideas on how to raise funds for our school.



Back Pack                               $40              

Bucket Hats                            $15

Sport Shirts                            $35

Girls Summer Dress            $40

Girls Summer Skorts           $30

Girls Winter Tunic                 $50

Fleece Jumper                       $30

Sloppy Joe                               $20

Zipper Sloppy Joe                 $25

Winter Beanie                        $5

School Tie                               $16

Spray Jacket                           $65

Library Bag                             $6