Assistant Principal's Message

From the Desk of Emma Williams - Term 3, Week 10


Roll on Week 10!

As we look forward to some rest and relaxation in the holidays it is time to reflect on all the fantastic things that have been happening around our school this term.  We have had a Canberra Incursion, Zone and Regional Athletics Carnivals, Dancefest rehearsals, a new OOSCH opened in the hall, Science Week, Book Fair, Guessing Competitions, Book Week Parade, Assemblies, Disco, excursions to the library and the rail museum… the list goes on! Don’t forget, as Thursday is a public holiday, the school will be closed for the day. 

Thank you to everyone for going above and beyond to keep our lovely school humming along this term.

… and in other news!!!

Mrs Bishop ‘missing’ in the wilderness…(on Leave)

The children have been enjoying receiving some updates of Mrs Bishop’s Outback Adventure throughout the week. 


K/1S have some important questions for Mrs Bishop and Happy the Quokka…

“What is Happy doing today?” Hailie

“Is Happy throwing any sneaky parties?” Lillian

“Has Happy made any quokka friends?” Saxon

“How long will it be until you get back?” Zakk

Mrs Bishop is currently on leave, returning in Week 3 of next term. Mrs Williams, our Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction will step into the relieving Principal role for the duration.


Ready, Respectful and Safe Learners

1/2C have been studying ‘Giraffes can’t Dance’ by Giles Andreae & Guy Parker-Rees



Jackson wrote a fantastic recount of “Giraffes Can’t Dance”. Well done Jackson, excellent use of different punctuation!

Tyler wrote a fantastic new ending to the book, where Gerald becomes a popstar and travels around the world! Excellent vocabulary Tyler!

Mary-Ellen used some fabulous descriptive language to describe Gerald and his dancing, and as Mary-Ellen herself said “description makes my writing better”! Great descriptive writing Mary-Ellen!


4/5K have completed a literature study on ‘Fox’ by Margaret Wild.

Lowanna rewrote the ending of ‘Fox’ using some seriously beautiful language to describe both ‘Magpie’ and a flock of birds that… might be able to help!



DON’T FORGET - Tell Them From Me Parent and Student Survey

Our annual TTFM parent survey is now open. Your feedback is very important to our reflection and planning as a school. Students in Years 4 – 6 will also be completing the student survey. If you don’t wish for your child to participate, please contact the school.

The link for the parent survey is




Please do not bring sporting equipment from home

Please remind your children to keep footballs and other sporting equipment at home. We have had footballs kicked into neighbouring property and they are becoming a distraction during assemblies and in class. There are lots and lots of balls out and available at play times. Thank you for your support with this. 


Outside School Hours Care

Just a reminder that we have a fantastic Before and After School Care running at our school but we do not have many students attending at this stage. If you would like to come and take a look it is open every day from 7.00 am – 9.00 am and 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm. Please come along and meet the BIG CHILDCARE employees, call 0437 899 864 or email for more information. A flyer went home last Thursday with costs and further details about the service.

They are also running an amazing Holiday Program these holidays! Check out the flyer below for more information.




Over and Above Recognition Awards


Joe - Going Over and Above to improve his reading.

Rose - Going Over and Above to be ready to learn.

Lillian – Going Over and Above to be a good friend.

Luke - Going Over and Above to make sure his class is safe.

Thomas – For going Over and Above to help friends in need.

Tyler - Going Over and Above to keep our learning environment



Happy Birthday


Gabi, Haidee & Khloee




Kind regards



Emma Williams

Assistant Principal

Curriculum & Instruction