Term 1 Week 8



This week in reading we have been investigating the mood of different texts. Mood is the general feeling the reader gets when reading the text. We focused on how the descriptive language used to describe a setting helps to create a mood. Next week we will be beginning our new unit on fluency.  



In writing this week we have been using our knowledge of time, place and environment to write a description of a setting. We have used picture prompts and revised adjectives and nouns to help us with this task. Next week students will be creating a mood within their writing by using specific mood language. 


Word Study



In Word Study we have been revising the role of 'Silent Final e' (SFE). We know that SFE has 5 different jobs. This week we have been focusing on job 1. Watch this video to learn more about the Silent Final 'e' job 1. 



In Mathematics, this week we have been learning that situations in everyday life often require estimations and approximate calculations requiring the process of rounding to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000. Next week we will be looking at number problems and using estimation to help us solve these problems.

Unit of Inquiry

For our final week of this current inquiry into ‘who we are as learners’ students have focused on SMART goals. They have gone through the process of identifying attainable and appropriate learning goals for term 2.  

Next week we begin a new unit of inquiry, 'How We Organise Ourselves'  focusing on how rules and laws support communities. The students will be challenged with a provocation to stimulate their thinking about why we have rules in our daily life. 



In class we have continued to encourage the students to use a variety of different Mindfulness techniques to support their Wellbeing. This coming week we will continue to discuss the value of gratitude and using personal Mantras in both learning and other settings. 

As the end of term approaches and students have been engaged in the intensive swim program we encourage families to recognise that the children are showing general fatigue and tiredness. Being balanced with a good night's sleep and relaxation time will support physical and emotional wellbeing.  


Monday 15th March - Wednesday 24th March - Grade 3 Swimming.

Thursday  25th March - Swimming Carnival

Thursday 1st April - Last day of term 


Grade 3 Team 

Meet the Grade 3 Team 


3A - Heather Jenkins (Mon-Wed)

& Amanda Kerr (Thurs & Fri)




3B - Sylvia Zanati  



3C - Emily Seccull 



3D - Georgia Kirk
