Kindergarten News

Dickens Room

We have had an incredible week with our Marram and Wimbi Children! 


Monday's session with the Wimbi class was incredibly focuses, the children demonstrated so much focus as they engaged with the activities and worked with their peers. It is amazing to witness how calm and curious each child is and the level of Identity and belonging that has established in such a short time. 


We have been enjoying songs and dancing of late, "Mr Clickety Cane' is an instant favorite, but coconut soap and jump out of bed in the morning have been so well liked also. 


Our Marram class have had a similar experience, coming together in such a beautiful way as a class. There has been an increased level of communication, concentration and networking between peers and we were even able to engage in some intentional teaching moments around cooking, science and mindfulness.


We had a wonderful teaching opportunity with an abundance of apples on Thursday, we cut them up with the children, discussed what happens to food if it goes bad- the children had a concept that fruit would 'die'. We extended this conceptual learning, discussing how food goes 'off' and 'decomposes'. We then used a dehumidifier to dry out the apple, as well as wrapping some in puff pastry for an afternoon tea snack. 

Tuesday afternoon we engaged in our first 'Gratitude' moment, using a candle, we asked each child to reflect on something that has made their heart happy whilst at kinder, then they snuff out the candle to share the gratitude. 

It was a wonderful experience.


 Al and Mardi. 

Moore Room

We hope you all had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed the fantastic weather.


We had a very busy week with some great obstacle work outdoors that has supported the children with; risk taking, confidence, waiting and turn taking whilst moving around the environment safely and demonstrating spatial awareness.


As we have been learning our primary colours in Mandarin during the Chinese language program we took the opportunity to mix them to discover new colours through a cause and effect experience with the Budja group. The Gawarn group have begun to make their own pillows for our rest period which has enabled them to personalise their pillow extending a sense of belonging.


Frogs and insects are still very much a keen topic through some lovely small world experiences. We have also seen some great work in the sandpit area as the children have worked as a team to make volcanoes and dinosaur houses – ‘complete with bath for washing them’. It has been wonderful to observe the children using these play spaces to investigate, project and explore new ideas.


We have also been having some lovely quiet moments with book reading – extending this literacy through auditory books. Books have also provided us with opportunities to discuss feelings which we have extended through the play dough with ‘Mr. Potato Head’ to make some ‘feeling faces’.


Have an awesome week!

Kelly-Anne, Treesje, Julie, Carol, Cristina and Anna