Leadership Centre


We trust that everyone had a safe and enjoyable long weekend. We still have four busy weeks left until the Easter holiday with a range of exciting learning opportunities planned and ready to go.


Last week in Maths students focused on comparing and representing a range of decimals as well as ordering them on a number line. In some sessions students worked as a class and collaborated in small groups to create decimal number lines. Students then worked independently to create their own decimal number lines working alongside criteria matched to their current level of understanding. At the end of each session students reflected on their progress and measured their level of success according to the success criteria (or a success list for learning, which is displayed for students to refer to throughout each lesson) Eg. ‘I can place 3 different fractions in between 0 and 1 on a number line’ or ‘I can place improper fractions on a number line’. 


In Writing, we have been focused on tightening tension and adding suspense to narrative pieces by including descriptive vocabulary, dynamic dialogue and the five senses to evoke a range of emotions. We also spent time on identifying, analysing and writing dependent (not a complete sentence) and independent clauses (a complete sentence) to create engaging pieces of writing and tighten the tension. Eg. Even though we had escaped (dependent clause), we still had nowhere to go (independent clause). 


Groups have continued to read through their Book Club books and prepare to discuss the content during their Literature Circle session. Teacher focused and other guided learning sessions have focused on making inferences, using ‘The Daily Inference’ slide prompt (see image). This generated excellent discussions and challenged students to justify their answers and opinions. Students also investigated the difference between homophones and homonyms. Do you know the difference? 


On Tuesday and Thursday morning we had our Student Agency session. We place a high level of emphasis on student agency (as well as Student Voice) as students can take ownership and direction of their own learning (within guidelines that are discussed before they commence). Students have a range of learning tasks that they need to complete according to a timetable that they create. This also assists in students managing their time and ensuring that they stay on task. We will continue to have our Student Agency session every Tuesday morning for the remainder of Term One. 


Last Wednesday some students from year 5/6 participated in a Student Environment Leadership program facilitated by Ceres (School of Nature and Climate). By all reports it was a valuable session where students learnt about Biodiversity and how they can look after the environment. We thank Bu Mundy for organising this incursion and look forward to hearing more from the students that attended the session.


On the Curriculum Day on Friday teachers spent time analysing a range of assessment platforms to help evaluate students’ progress and plan for future actions. This also included analysing each cohort’s data and planning for small group skills-based sessions. Half of the day was spent with Sue Fine (an experienced Maths educator), who since last year has been working alongside teachers in the area of Mathematics. Sue’s experience has been valuable in supporting staff with the sequential steps to teach for each unit as well as providing teachers with a wealth of learning resources and strategies.


Please Note: To ensure a smooth transition for the upcoming NAPLAN testing we require all Year 5 students to download the NAP Locked Down Browser App for their Ipads by next week. Thank you.





Have a great week!

The Leadership Centre team

Student Voice

  • Surya -“I really enjoyed participation in the Student Environment Leadership program. I learnt about biodiversity and that we need to look after our environment.”
  • Lachie - “I enjoyed the Student Agency Day because we got to choose when we had our activities. It made me realise the importance to organise my day”
  • Bastion - “For Student Agency Day i liked how we got to order our session. I enjoyed the fitness activity because you got to run around the oval and take a break”


  • Hats are to be worn during recess and lunch times. Please ensure that your child has a named hat at school.
  • Please ensure that you check your child’s diary and sign it at the end of the week. Students will be including the books that they read in their diary.
  • All students are required to have their own set of headphones at school. Please ensure that your child has their name on theirs.
  • Students are expected to read each night for 20 minutes, each child in 5/6 have been assigned a ‘Book Club’ text to read over the term and will be discussing the text in Literature Circles each week.

Pupil of the Week

5/6B:  Indi P -

For designing a creative and colourful Shape depicting a bird during your Shape Shifter Portfolio task. Well done on sticking to the criteria and representing your mathematical thinking whilst creating an aesthetically pleasing picture.


5/6C: Ella S - 

For creating an eye catching Shape Shifter portfolio task. Well done on successfully using the criteria and showing your knowledge of angles as well as identifying your next steps. You should be proud of really yourself, Ella!


5/6SB: Auritro K -

For confidently sharing his mathematical learning about fractions. Thank you Auritro for displaying a positive attitude to your learning this week. It was wonderful to see you use your character strength of curiosity and perseverance when completing your Maths work. Excellent work Auritro!


5/6W: Daniel S -

For demonstrating curiosity and persistence when using a protractor to measure a range of angles. It was great to see your confidence grow as you practised. Keep up the amazing work, Daniel!