Important Information

Reference Information

Parent/Carer Transport Survey

We (Jacob, Conrad, Isaac, Jude and Eddie in 5/6) have conducted a survey with 100 MPRPS students about how they get to school. We are hoping to collect parent/carer information about how you used to get to school so that we can compare the data. Thank you for participating in our survey. 

Nude Food

Nude Food doesn't mean you have to go out and buy all new packaging! You'd be amazed with what you can use from home already! 


  • Use leftover food from last night's dinner in a thermos!
  • Buy a large packet of biscuits and put a few in a small container! The whole packet will last a week, reducing the rubbish!
  • Try not to use cling-wrap. A container can be used over and over again without adding any rubbish!