Principal's Message

Term 1 Week 7

Curriculum Day Friday

I hope that all families were able to enjoy the long weekend. Staff engaged in a range of Professional Learning across Friday.

Our Education Support staff, Kindergarten staff and Specialist teachers participated in Respectful Relationships training this whole-school approach recognises that schools are a workplace, a community hub and a place of learning. Everyone involved in our school community deserves to be respected, valued and treated equally.

We know that changes in attitudes and behaviours can be achieved when positive attitudes, behaviours and equality are lived across the school community, and when classroom learning is reinforced by what is modelled in our school community. The training will support our school and kindergarten to promote and model respect, positive attitudes and behaviours.  

The Junior and Senior School teachers worked with the Mathematics consultant Sue Fine and they explored the steps and strategies around effective division and multiplication teaching and learning. The other half of the day was spent working analysing our assessment data and how we can best use it to inform our planning of Mathematics. 

It was impressive to see how everyone worked to make the most of our professional learning opportunities.

Primary School Nursing Program

Belinda Lock our school's visiting primary school nurse has been attending the school to conduct Prep grade health assessments and to see other children as requested. The purpose of the visit is to provide all Victorian children with the opportunity to have a health assessment and link families with services available in the community, as appropriate. Parents are invited to contact Belinda should they have any questions or issues they wish to discuss on 0412 161 474. The school nursing program provides a valuable resource and source of information for all families.

Noteworthy Moments

Some parents have already received a surprise email telling them of a noteworthy moment for their child. Teachers are aiming to send these emails home for two students per week and we hope it puts a smile on your face and your child’s too!


Years 1-6 Three- Way Conferences

The conferences will be held next week and your child attends with you. Please remember to carry a mask. As conferences will be hosted in your child's classroom and social distancing can be adhered too it will not be necessary to wear the masks. As all conferences are booked through Sentral there will not be the need to sign in. Please make use of the hand sanitiser across the school.

School Photos

School photos will be taken on Tuesday 30th March.  All students must wear full school uniform no sports tops are to be worn for photos.

If you have siblings in the school and would like them to have a sibling photo, envelopes are available from the office. 

Stay Home if Unwell

Thank you to all kindergarten and school families for following the advice that we followed last year and continue to do so this year. If your child is experiencing flu like symptoms they need to stay home. The same directions are in place for all schools and includes staff. Thank you for your support with this.