From the Principal...

Mrs Alanna McRae

New Staff

This term we welcome a number of new staff. Firstly Mr Riley Carroll joins us as an Educational Assistant (EA). Riley will be working to support our Literacy Block initiatives. Mrs Kath Brazier is currently doing casual EA work to fill in for Mrs Turnbull who is currently out on leave.


Mrs Leesa Bible will this term be teaching one day a week replacing Mrs Flynn on Wednesdays. 


Next week is Mrs Emma Johnson's last week this year as she then commences maternity leave for the remainder of 2021. We wish Emma and her family all the best as they prepare for the birth of their new baby.


Ms Danica Potgieter commences on Monday next week in Year 3 full time joining Ms Claire Archibald as a facilitator of learning for the remainder of the year. Ms Potgieter will initially have a week's handover with Mrs Johnson. Mrs Sue Newsome will move off Year 3 and will be first call relief for Fridays. 


Ms Potgieter is originally from South Africa and comes to us with several years teaching experience in an Independent school in Capetown. She moved to Australia in January. Prior to commencing teaching Danica had been a sub editor, social media community manager and a freelance writer.


I am sure you will join with me in making all these people most welcome to the school.