Religious Education

Mrs Dale Cain


The Diocesan Renewal team facilitated a Retreat day for St Mary's staff on the first day of Term 2.  Anne Finlayson, Kate Frazier and Fr Paul McCabe provided a thought provoking day, challenging us all to act when we see injustice.



It was lovely this year to be able to fund raise again during Lent  for Missions.  Thank you to those who returned  their Project Compassion Boxes to school for banking.  These boxes combined with Pancake Day enabled us to bank $323.31.



It is with great excitement that we were able to reestablish our Mini Vinnies group today. We will meet at 11am on a Monday.   Today we discussed plans to assist with the  Mothers Day stall and possible future directions for our group.  One item we will be promoting is the Family Winter Sleepout@Home.  This will be run similarly to last year.  More details will follow but mark the date on your calendar - Friday 30th July