Classroom News - Year 2

Mrs Godwin and Mrs Spilsbury

Welcome back to Term 2!

We hope that everyone has had a restful and enjoyable break. 

Year 2 have had a busy and exciting start to term 2. On Tuesday, they ran their first Cross- Country carnival and everybody should be proud of their efforts! Well done everyone!



Year 2 have been working hard during their English block every morning. In their first 'Big Write' for Term 2; we read about all of the adventures that they experienced during the school holidays. Year 2 are coming up with and using some WOW words; which is fantastic to see. 



In Maths, we are learning about 'Whole Number'. We have been looking at the place value of 3 digit numbers and how we use these to order numbers. We have also been looking at the expansion of numerals to help us understand place value; especially the role of zero in numbers. 




We have changed our prayer cloth to white to reflect the Church's season. We have been looking at Jesus' Resurrection.  We have been thinking about the symbols of Easter and the Resurrection, as well as spreading the 'Good News' like Jesus has asked us to do.



In History, we have been looking at the ANZACS. We have been discussing what artefacts can tell us about the ANZACS and the importance of ANZAC day.