Classroom News - Year 1

Mrs Flynn and Mrs Suluma

A Great Start to Term 2

Year 1 has had a great start to the new term. We officially welcome Mrs Leesa Bible as a facilitator in the Year 1 team. She will be replacing Mrs Flynn every Wednesday for this term. Mrs Bible will be leading the Creative Arts program in Year 1 as well as working alongside Mrs Suluma in English, Maths and Religious Education. We are very blessed to have such an experienced teacher as Leesa on board!


We are currently in the Easter Season and we started the term by changing our prayer cloth to white to represent this season in our Liturgical Calendar. Students have become familiar with the Resurrection story, including the journey to Emmaus and exploring the concept that ‘Jesus is with us’.


Students have been very busy reviewing English work, including digraphs for our long vowel sounds and learning about homophones. Just a reminder that New Reading Diaries for Term 2 were in Reading Folders last week. We are consolidating our reading and spelling of Tricky Word Sets 4 and 5. It would be great to have students work on these at home as well.


In Mathematics we have been working on understanding time and building numbers to 30 and beyond.


We are completing our history unit for the first five weeks of this term. It is all about families past and present. This would be a great time to talk to your child about extended family, family traditions or just go through some old family photos at home to help them better understand their own family and that our families are unique and special.

Fun Run

Yesterday Kindergarten and Year 1 ruled the paddock. It is not very often we get to spend time across the road in the primary playground. We took the opportunity with the rest of the school at Cross Country, and some great weather, to have some fun. We started off by setting up our own mini Cross Country track. Students walked the track first then had the opportunity to run it. 


Everyone displayed great perseverance, with some students astounded at how puffed they could get when they tried hard. We all had a great time and were rewarded with a bit of extra playtime on the paddock. This allowed for an amazing game of soccer on the big field with real soccer goals, as well as basketball on a real basketball court. The most fun was had by those who decided that rolling down the hill as fast as they could gathering autumn leaves in hair and clothing on the way down. Well done everyone for making the most of this great day! 


Celebration of our hard work and learning.