Principal's message

End of Term Arrangements
As the end-of-term draws closer, I direct everyone’s attention to important end-of-term dates. The final day of term for students will be Wednesday 31 March. On this day, students will be dismissed at their usual finishing time (i.e. 3:15pm). The following day (Thursday 1 April) is one of our school’s four Pupil Free Days for the year. Staff will be attending school on this day to undertake professional learning, with most of the day being devoted to staff undertaking the Department of Education’s Cultural Understanding and Safety Training.
A major focus for us this year is to help all students re-establish positive patterns of school attendance after such a disrupted year in 2020. As a staff, we are working hard to follow-up all unexplained absences and to support students to attend school regularly.
I remind all families to let us know when their child is absent by leaving a message on our Absence Line (5479 1150) and to seek support if their child is having any difficulties or challenges with school attendance. In the first instance, please seek support from your child’s mentor. Our CSC Wellbeing Team is also available to assist.
Reports and Parent-Teacher Interviews
The first installment of our progressive reports have just been published to families. For those families new to CSC, in recent years we have introduced progressive reports which are released three times each semester (i.e. six times per year). Our end-of-semester reports (July and December) contain detailed comments, a mentor report and, for Years 7-10 students, teacher judgements about progress made in relation to the Victorian Curriculum. The first and second installment of reports each semester will not contain the same detailed feedback and comments; however, they do provide more timely feedback about observed work habits, the overall quality of work being submitted and whether work is being submitted on time. A text message is sent to families when the reports are published to XUNO.
Our first cycle of reports will be followed by parent-teacher interviews early in Term Two (i.e. Tuesday 27 April). Over the next few weeks we will send further information about this parent-teacher interview day, including advice about how to make interview bookings via XUNO.
Paul Frye
CSC’s Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, 24 March 6.30pm in the Library. Everyone is welcome.
Students in Years 7 & 9 will be completing their NAPLAN testing this year from Tuesday 11th – Friday 21st May. All students in these year levels are expected to complete their NAPLAN tests. The test result provide the College with valuable information relating to teaching effectiveness, specifically how we are addressing the literacy and numeracy needs of our students. We strongly encourage all students to participate in the testing.
Exemptions from completing the tests can be sought be contacting the College’s Reception from the beginning of term 2. Detailed information was emailed to all Year 7 and 9 families on Tuesday 16th March.