Information for Parents

Library News

Ebooks and Audiobooks

Students - did you know you can access our eLibrary anywhere, anytime on multiple 

devices ? For web access go to  then login using your Compass username and the password Library10! or Download the ePlatform app from your app store then login using your Compass username and the password Library10!

Parent Information Session - Literacy and Numeracy

We will be running an information session for parents / guardians about literacy & numeracy.

The presenters will share with you information about:

  • Developing growth mindsets
  • Building literacy and numeracy confidence
  • Building reading and writing habits at home
  • How to improve reading comprehension
  • The kinds of everyday, fun and easy activities that you can do with your children to support their literacy and numeracy learning

There will be practical handouts covering the main ideas and lots of suggestions on how you can support your child’s learning at home.


Where: Library, Dromana College          WhenMay 5th5pm-7pm


The evening is open to all parents and guardians of children from Year 7 to Year 12. Please RSVP via contacting the front office on 

(03) 5987 2805.


Stephanie Gregory

Literacy Learning Specialist

Siaan Le Fevre                                    

Numeracy Learning Specialist     

Accident Insurance Cover for Students 

Some school activities and physical education, particularly contact sports, carry inherent risks of injury. Parents are advised that the Department of Education and Training does not have Student Accident Insurance cover for students. Therefore, if your child is injured at school as a result of an accident or incident, all costs associated with the injury, including medical costs is the responsibility of the child, parent or caregiver. Some incidental medical costs may be covered from Medicare. If parents have private health insurance, some costs may also be covered through your private health insurance. Any other costs would be borne by the parents. Student Accident Insurance is an insurance policy that pays certain benefits should your child have an accident. It is a personal decision for parents which type and level of private insurance they purchase. An approved insurance broker should be contacted if you have any questions about insurance cover.

Personal Goods 

Personal property is often brought to school by students, staff and visitors. This can include mobile phones, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises. The DET does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property.

Mobile Phone Policy

The  Department of Education policy states that students who choose to bring mobile phones to school will need to store them in lockers for the duration of the school day, including break times. The policy is available on our website, see link below. A summary of the policy implementation is outlined below.


Phones must be stored in lockers during the school day, including break times (8.55am -3.00pm). If students are seen with a phone it will be confiscated, as follows:

  • First offence: phone will be returned at the end of the day.
  • Second offence: phone will be returned at the end of the day and a parent/guardian will be contacted.
  • Third and subsequent offences: Student suspended.

Students will be sent home/suspended if they do not hand their phone in when asked by a teacher.

If students have permission to have a phone in class this will be recorded on Compass. Phones will need to be out of sight and turned off when being taken to and from class. They will be confiscated if seen. This is a statewide policy implemented by the Department Of Education.

Phones and other valuables are brought to school at owner’s risk and the school bears no responsibility for loss or damage.


Additionally, in line with the Department of Education ban on mobile phones at school during the school day, we have also made a decision to ban the use of air pods at school, as we are assuming that they are typically connected to a mobile phone.  As such students who are seen with air pods in will be required to surrender them until the end of the day. Students are permitted to wear them only before the first bell and after the last bell, although they need to ensure that they are acting safely whilst in the bus area.

After school homework and study sessions.

Homework Help

Wednesdays and Thursdays: 3.15pm - 4.15pm

Help with homework is available in the Library after school every Wednesday and Thursday.  All students are welcome. 


Assistance is available in our quiet and well-resourced library for homework-tasks, general study, assignments, test preparation, essays and improving organisational skills. 

Car Park

Please be very mindful when entering the College car park that you do not use the bus lane. If you drop students off please use the middle car park, gravel car park or the preferred drop-off at Harrisons Road. The car park is closed between 2.50 p.m. and 3.15 p.m. each day.

School Events on Compass

Parents are reminded when receiving Compass notifications regarding school excursions and activities, to grant permission and make payments promptly.  The College needs to arrange transport and entry into events and often needs to adhere to booking deadlines, so it is important that student numbers are confirmed in a timely manner.  Please make note of cut-off dates on school events and respond to SMS and email reminders that are sent out.  These dates are set in place so that we can confirm numbers with our outside providers. We would appreciate your support in this matter, to avoid any disappointment a student may experience when they may not be able to participate due to late consent or payments.

Family Holidays

If your student is going to be on holidays within the school term you will need to apply for an approved absence at least two weeks prior to the leave. Please address your letter or email ( to Mr Alan Marr, College Principal. 


Arriving late: Students who arrive late to school must sign in at Reception in the Administration building.


Leaving early: Students who intend to leave school before 3pm, must have a note from their parent/guardian to give to their teacher who will then let them out of class to be met at Reception by their parent/guardian and then signed out of school. 


Parents are reminded to phone the College Absent Line if their child will be absent from school for the entire day.  A note must also be written. Parents can phone the College Absent Line directly on 5984 7177 available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week and leave a message. Please save this phone number to your mobile 5984 7177- Absent Line.

An SMS text message will be sent out to parents if the College is not notified of your child’s absence.


IMPORTANT  NOTE: Students in Year 10, 11 or 12 will require a medical certificate or Statutory Declaration form for any absence.

School Fees


As a College, we are very conscious of the cost of living pressures on families and endeavour to minimise fees and levies charged. It is however a fact that all government schools depend upon parent contributions to broaden and extend College programs. We are very proud of the breadth and depth of programs offered across our College and enrich student learning by providing all students with a wide range of curricula and co-curricular programs. These programs enhance and extend student engagement and learning and are an important component of the comprehensive education for all students attending Dromana College.  It is these additional programs that set us apart from other schools. Many of these programs are provided by external organisations and require additional resourcing. Some examples include; subsidising guest speakers and presenters for pastoral lessons and subjects including English (authors and experts), extra-curricular programs such as HPV, debating, State School Spectacular, Wakakirri Dance, sports equipment and uniforms, school mini buses, science and technology equipment, improvements and maintenance to College facilities and grounds.


We would like to take the opportunity to thank all families who have contributed to the provision of College programs, resources and facilities by the timely payment of school fees and levies. We understand that some families face financial pressure and that the timing of payment either at the end of or beginning of a school year can be difficult for some families. As such we would like to inform all families that ongoing periodic instalments can be paid fortnightly, monthly or quarterly to make contributions more manageable. Parents interested in discussing these payment options are encouraged to contact the office on 5987 2805.

Bus Information

Please note the College bus policy - NO BUS PASSES are issued for students going to friends, after school employment or sport. Please do not send your child to the bus coordinator for a bus pass as a refusal may offend.



One of our bus lines has advised us of a potentially dangerous situation that they say occurs from time to time after school. This involves vehicles turning right from Bittern-Dromana Rd into White Hill Rd in front of school buses. Please ensure that patience is shown and remember that buses require greater braking distances than smaller vehicles. We are obviously unsure of whether this involves members of our school community, however we are sending out a general reminder to exercise caution at this time of the day when the roads are particularly busy.



We have noticed that many students are accessing their buses after school by cutting through the car park and in between parked buses. This is a potentially dangerous situation and in the interests of student safety we remind students that they need to use the footpaths provided to walk to their bus. We ask that parents also remind students of this expectation.

Uniform Shop

Trading Hours

Tuesday ;   8:30am - 12:00pm

Thursday ; 12:00pm - 3:30pm 

Telephone: (03) 5984 7143

For assistance outside these hours, please contact Noone Imagewear Beaconsfield.

Telephone (03) 9769 9093


School Holiday Trading Hours

Price list

2021 Term Dates

Term 1: 28 January - 1 April 2021

Term 2:  19 April - 25 June  2021

Term 3: 12 July - 17 September 2021

Term 4:  4 October - 17 December 2021


Remember you can view all Dromana College important dates and events on Compass and the Dromana College website at